Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Busy Bodies

I wanted to post a few pics real quick! I have been seeing a lot of these 3 {my other loves}! It's so nice to be able to drop the kid'd off at Brad and Kendra's and vice versa when we are in a pinch. PLUS it's super fun and the kids are all BFF! The girls are really starting to become best buds and playmates. It's really sweet to see.

And then there are my sweet handfuls! Mug is just such a good big brother these days! I have to say, I was so worried that he would never come around to the idea of a sister. However, now the "I wuv you, Reesey's" never end! I actually like taking them on errands better together than apart! I would have NEVER said that a few short months ago. I like to have them together so much that I took Mug out of MDO for the remainder of the year because it was just easier nap-wise and entertainment-wise for REW! Don't get me wrong though, there are also screaming, pinching and fighting moments. I'll take the good with the bad as long as they are close!
And we are busting out the cool pool. Jealous?

I'm just really enjoying the rhythm I have going on with the 2 kids. Everyone always asks me when I want "the third". Honestly, I can't say I want a third. More than anything, I feel pressure to have one more. Like 3 is the new 2. I dunno. I just got these 2 sorta kinda figured out. And what I mean by that is, I feel OK about taking them to the grocery store at the same time! Don't feel an urge to add to the mix...not yet anyway!
Ok. Gotta run. I gotta a SWAP party in T-minus 4 hours that I have not even showered for!


Sally said...

love the way those pics turned out...how did you do that??

and girl, no pressure on havin more bambinos!! 2 is just fine...but i feel ya...i always though i only wanted 2, and then i thought, well, so many people are having a third!! should i too?? made me second guess myself here lately...

all that to say, to each their own. i too am just fine with 2 for now!! and there is nothing wrong with that...for us both!

hugs to you!! swap was a sweet success - and you looked fabulous!!!

angie said...

Two is perfect for me too:)...super sweet pics!