Tuesday, September 01, 2009
She Thrice Was Lost
I love dogs. I am sad to say that I am one of the people who had dog "kids", but after they had real kids, let the family dog become, well...the family dog. I admire my friends who still keep the dog in the Christmas cards and still let the dog(s) sleep in their bed and cuddle with them. I just don't really do any of that anymore. That is not to say I do not enjoy the occasional snuggle and petting, it is just not the way it once was. My kids on the other hand looooove their Frankie. Like a sister.
Sad, sad. Our dog of coming up on 7 years has a history of getting out. She has escaped near death twice. We lost her parter in crime about a year and a half ago and it was devastating. Still, when the girl gets out--she heads straight for the highway and there is no looking back. Sunday night, we all returned home. We put the kids to bed. Brent and I settled into bed to watch Mad Men on DVR. After the show, I went to turn the air down and I realized Frankie was not with us on the bed. Nor was she on her red floor pillows. Nor was she on the couch upstairs. Nor was she scratching on the backdoor to come in. All of her usuals. I looked outside in our huge, dark backyard...silence. Frankie is not one to stay outside. Oh no. She got out. My mind raced. When? When did I let her out!? I figured only one thing. When I load the kids into the car there is often a shuffling between getting kids and all their stuff from the house to the car. Mug is usually tramping around in and out while I get REW in her seat. I often make a quick run back inside to get something I forgot. Shoot! It must have been then! How could I miss that? Quickly, I tell Brent with tears welling up in my eyes. He has been down this road. He is part annoyed, part sad. He drives around and sees nothing. I go to bed sad. Mad at myself. I remember she has NO TAGS on. Cry myself to sleep thinking I have to tell Mug his doggy is gone. He was just that day telling REW how Frankie is "our dog" and how she "lubs to lick us but nebber bite us". Oh man. This sucks! I wake up at 5 am to feed REW and hope that when I open her door, Frankie will run out. Sadly, nothing. I feel defeated. Brent wakes up to drive around and search. I go back to bed and wake up a couple hours later to share the news with Mug that she is gone. We will look, but no guarantee and without tags, outlook is not as good. He says, "It's ok mama. All doggies die died like Emmitt." As we are eating breakfast he drops a blueberry on the ground and says, "uh-oh, no frankie here to eat my mess." Wow, he is taking this well! Deciding to go on with the day and try to call and make flyers, I go upstairs to get REW's clothes. As I open the closet door, guess who barrels out. Yep. Frankie.
Mug and I had our date and we went to have tags made for Frankie. The dog with 9 lives.
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OH MY GOSH! SO she was in Reese's closet the entire time? That girl! I'm so glad you and Tristan made her some tags! Very important! :) If we didn't have dogs our floor would be a sticky, crumbly mess! Glad she's found!!
since we don't have kids yet, i am the person you refer to in the beginning of your post, the one with dogs as children. so i was VERY happy to read that Frankie's latest story had a happy ending. sweet Mug and his blueberry comment, too. i was seriously getting a lump in my throat as i read through the post...hoping and hoping your dog would be found :)
YEAH FOR FRANKIE!!! I am with you on the "our dog used to be our baby!" Poor Bailey...she used to sleep with us, sit with us on the couch, never leave our side, etc. Now she is simply a dog and doesn't get near the attention she should! I love the new tag!
i'm so glad she was in the closet!!! i was getting so sad for yall! and love that tristan noticed that the dog wasn't there to clean up his mess...hilarious!
No lie...we have done this EXACT same thing....but, it was pre-Quinn...when our puppies were our babies...and I was a MESS! It was at my in-law's house and she was in the hall closet for hours...not making a sound!!! ...So glad you found your "first baby!"
Oh, man! I was all verklempt (sp?) for a sec! So glad you found her!
Oh, and just as Kimberly said, I too am the person you speak of who thinks of her dogs as her children which is why my heart was RACING!
I laughed out loud on that one! What a good dog to be so quiet in there the whole time!!
I'm a "dog used to be my child before real children" girl too. So, so sad how they take such a backseat but glad Frankie is safe and sound. Pets are so much fun for the kids!!
Kindred spirits, Nicki. we did the same thing with our dog, Bear--she was our child then she became the neglected step-kid. It was so sad. Anywho, I totally understand and glad she's found. I also wanted to tell you with all the hooplah I went thru with my blog--I had to quickly make it private, I now have a new blog. it's www.southerngiggles.blogspot.com. :)
Oh my Gracious,(as Clara would say)! I am so glad that Frankie was found. I have done that with our cat before and then there she was, shut up in a room somewhere. You know the Snow family....our pets are part of the family, too! By the way, your Tristan and Reece are absolutely precious. I love keeping up with your sweet family.
(Corrie's Mom/Clara's Gammy)
OMG!! that Frankie gave you quite a scare!!! hee hee...Jackson would be so sad if he didn't get to see the Frankster when we are there on Friday night...ha ha. :) SOOO glad he's back!!!
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