Wednesday, September 02, 2009

MDO: Round 2

After a summer hiatus, I have decided to put Mug back into MDO. I really don't care whether or not he goes, but I feel he might like it for a change of pace. Except all Monday night and Tuesday morning he kept telling us, "I don't wanna go to school." Well, he went anyway. So did Todd (left bear) and Sunny (right bear). He was a little uncertain the entire morning. Even though, God bless, Creighton, Colton and a couple of other friends are in his class this year. That did not seem to phase him though. One thing I am learning about Mug is that he is about as independent as they come. If he wants to play with someone great. If not, he could care less. He does his own thing. He just does not want to go school. This week he has been struggling with some super separation shananagans. Worse than ever. He freaked out at church the Sunday before, and he has been going to the same room for almost a year! Of course it would all start this week! Argh. Anyway, once we all got loaded in, we headed off for MDO for the second year....
Can't you see the excitement?
He was great walking in on his own. Felt pretty confident. Until we turned into the hallway-o-screams. I think every kid there was bawling. I looked down to find silent, crocodile tears falling from my preciousness' eyes. Oh man. Then...he just came completely unglued. More so than I have ever seen him.
Here is the sweet new teacher trying her hardest to get him calm. Might I add that she won me over when I overheard her telling another tot, "take that out of your mouth right now, that is how you will get sick!" Ah, a woman after my own heart. Hey, at least she will try, right?! Also another side note: there are germs GALORE this year. The swine flu is in full affect as well as strep and I am sure the stomach bug is right around the corner. ICK! It's enough to make me become a shut-in! I just took REW to the dr. today (Thursday) and she has strep AGAIN!!! What the heck???
Here is my REW. All the crying kids wore her plum out!
When we picked him up, he was happy of course. No nap. Still, he seemed happy. The teacher reported he had an accident on his nap mat. Poor thing. It takes him so long to trust strangers to take him potty. I wonder how many more accidents will be had!
Crafts for the day:
And the report card. Notice the "potty training news" section is left blank. Sweet teacher.
Overall grade: C
Bad start, ok middle, good finish. We will see how it goes...
*** i forgot to mention a HUGE deal***even though Tuesday was a shakey day, it was also the first day Mug pooped in the potty! He did it all by himself! I was feeding REW and he came in the room and said, "mama, can you come turn the light on, please?" I thought he meant his bedroom light, and he said, "no, the bathroom light". Sure enough, there it was...a glorious poop! I was so thrilled I went and bought him cupcakes and we went to Chik-Fil-A! I hope it is a new habit!!!


Kimberly said...

Our potty training section has always been left blank! Creighton doesn't trust anyone to go either, so he just holds it all day! I can't believe these kids!

Glad Mug ended up having a good experience. Creighton missed him today!

Shannon said...

I am so so sorry REW is sick! Bless her sweet little heart. I know what you mean about the separation thing....I acutally am (was) going through that with my 1st grader this year for some strange reason. He does NOT like change and would be perfectly happy just being home playing legos all day. In his opinion, school is for the birds!

The Johnstons said...

Glad Tristan ended up having a good day after the meltdown drop-off. That's exactly what Parker's report card looked like today and Tuesday. He napped fine this summer but now during naptime he has decided to talk and mock one of the little girls that cries. Oh boy, we're in trouble.

Sally said...

awww, was that miss melanie in the pic? that was jackson's teacher last yeat...what a sweetheart she is, you'll LOVE her!! so proud of lil Mug, LOVED his super excited pics, hee hee. :)

Rose said...

Awwww! Poor MUG! I hope that next week starts about a bit better!

angie said...

Colton and Ally are inthe same class-YIPEE!!! When I picked A up yesterday she apparently had kept all the other kids up at nap time-nice! So sorry for the no nap, Miss Priss is struggling with naps without her binky! I'm so glad he had a good day on Tuesday.

lauren said...

no ponies or disney world? :) how do you expect him to go again?? good for tristan!!