Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Worked Out.

Turbo Kick + Zumba =845 calories burned. I am starving.


Kylie said...

awesome!! I have got to get back into my routine after being gone and being sick. see you soon!

lauren said...

I'm starving, too!!! It was much more fun doing Zumba with you than by myself!

Sally said...

ahhh, you go girl!! hope you ate a fat burger or sumthin..ha ha. :)hugs!!!

Lindsey Eason said...

Hey Nicki, Quick question.

I'm due to have my 3rd child in a few weeks (which means ANY day now - whoohoo!). My husband and I are anxiously awaiting her arrival for many reasons...but one biggie is that we're oh-so-ready to get in shape again! We've already purchased P90X and have a membership to the YMCA. My question is this: How soon do you think I can start working out without negatively affecting my milk supply? I plan to nurse and would like to do so for a minimum of 6 months - my concern is that a hard core work out regime (like P90X) might cause my milk to dwindle. What are your thoughts?!

Nicki W. said...

hey lindsey!!!
i had the same concerns as you did b/c i really hit it hard about 6 weeks after REW (i started working out slowly at 4 weeks post-part.)! one thing you have to do is eat well. eat enough calories, just make sure they are good calories. lots of protein and good carbs. lots of veggies, fruit and water. also, i supplemented with fenugreek and blessed thistle. i think the two herbs combined work great! i took 2 of each 3 times a day!

**side note** make sure not to overwork your abs. they need several months to "grow" back together. go easy on them when doing the P90X :) free pass for no ab work for at least a little while!!! hope this helps!

Lindsey Eason said...

Thank you!! I appreciate the advice and will plan on picking up the herbs you suggested as well...I've heard of both but have never tried them with previous babies. I feel better about moving forward with the weightloss regime! :)