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She's a Lean, {Not} Mean, Eating and Crawling Machine! REW is 9 months!
3 more months until REW is one year old! Ahhh! Am I really almost a mom of 2 toddlers? This month was by far and away the biggest change in the little lady. She is so so so communicative, aware, and M-O-B-I-L-E!
REW is communicating! She waves, "buh" and hi! She says, "mama"! She also signed "more" last Monday while we were eating breakfast! I freaked out because I was not expecting her to actually do it! Now she signs it and says "mo"! Little jabber girl. She also looooooves to blow raspberries. She does it when she flirts. She has been doing that for a while. She also makes a kissy noise when you kiss at her. Other tricks: She, Mug and I have a little trio going where Mug screams super loud, then I scream as loud as I can and then REW yells. Such talent, I know. We do it a lot.
REW has one true love. Eating. Ya'll. There is nothing like this I have ever seen. She puts it down. She eats so incredibly fast and quite literally SHOVES it into her mouth. She ate almost an entire can of black beans the other night. She eats like Frankie, our pug. Eventually, I just have to pull her away from the food. And she has yet to eat anything she does not like. We are still breastfeeding and I am so happy I stuck it out because the distraction thing {knock on wood} has subsided! Oh, and no more baby food for her. She wants what we have and makes sure that is what she gets. I am telling you, you need to come see it to believe it. And yet, she remains but a peanut in size.

Homegirl can crawl. And I don't mean inch worm, scoot, army crawl--she is up on all 4's, going, going...gone. This happened last Sunday, where she went all out crawl. She is also pulling up on absolutely everything. She just zips right up. She zipped right up on our tile bathtub, and I have no idea how. Must be all the blackbeans making her strong! I have no idea when she will walk, but I am guessing it is coming soon. So different than my sweet Mug who barely crawled but a month!
I hesitate to write this because I am destined to jinx myself, but her sleeping has also gotten better. The past 3 nights she has not gotten up for her early morning feed until almost 6. Alas, she STILL only has 2 teeth and those were boogers coming in, so I imagine I will get hammered with sleepless nights sooner than later. Oh well, I honestly have taken on the attitude of "take it one day at a time". If she sleeps late(r), awesome...if not, that's the way it is for that day!
I have rekindled my love affair with the Bjorn. I wear it all of the time. It is the only way I can get things done and keep her happy. She needs to face out with all extremeties free. The only drawback is trying to cook like that! Ah!! Very unsafe! This one is going to keep me running my tail end off in the very very near future! Baby proofing will have to ensue. Soon.
REW, you are a gem! You make me smile from ear to ear. I LOVE your personality. God painted it so brightly, just like I knew you would be. This month has been incredible getting to know you even more. I feel like I know you and can finally see a glimpse of what you will be like. You are going to bless a whole lotta people, young lady. I adore you so. xoxo, mama
What a cutie! I love that picture of you two together! I love how their little personalities are just starting to emerge! It's so much fun going through these baby stages with you!
love your little!
That first picture of Reese is absolutely adorable!! Loved reading about her blossoming personality (and diet)! :)
soooo cute. :) cannot believe she is 9 months...ahhhh!
I can not believe she will eat beans like that!! So cute!
BOTH my girls 4 1/2 and almost 2 sign for more and say it still on occasion!
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