Thursday, July 16, 2009
Let's Move On! Shall We?
Since I never knew I was one to create controversy, I will go back to posting some less-than-touchy subjects. Like this one:
...and this one!
Maybe that can ease the tension? I hope. I am very weary tonight from reading all the negative stuff said about me. I promise, I will never post a picture of a scale again. I mean it. Lesson learned. I hope I don't offend anyone else. I would take it down, but I actually really do want it for my blog book. I have never had foundations of my FAITH be questioned around a picture of my body weight. Just seems odd. I know it should not bother me, it is all an attack from Satan. Let me just make this perfectly clear one last time...I LOVE THE LORD, HE IS MY ROCK! I can't believe I even had to defend that. Maybe this was a wake up call for me to go private?!? Ugh, I never wanted to do that. How do you discern nice anonymous people from mean ones?!? I hate that I have had this blog for so long and have never had any problems until now. I don't even really know how to go about making it private. Seems like a pain. All the requests and emails. Oh well, probably needs to be done. I will let you know when I decide. Hope we can get past the previous drama and all be friends again!
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This is Sarah Dalton from Highlands choir, Jacki Grimes daughter. You may not remember me, but I have been reading your blog for several months now, and to me, the your "Boldly Going..." blog was VERY influencial to me. I have always dealt with weight. I know it's possible to lose, but for some reason, I have lacked motivation in certain areas of my life to attain my "goal weight." Of course me being 5'10" 115lbs would probably put in the anorexic zone, but I am proud of you for showing your excitement! Hopefully one day, I will be able to do the same! Your kids are BEAUTIFUL and I thoroughly enjoy your blog. I pray you don't lose any sleep over what has been said by anyone, you are a beautiful person inside and out.
You know I hardly ever comment on your blog. I read it all the time and I think I've only commented once and that was on breastfeeding; something near and dear to my heart.
Sugar, I'm almost 40. I've had 5 pregnancies and given birth to 4 living children. All births were c-sections. I gained 25 lbs. w/ my first 2 full term pregnancies and about 50 lbs. w/ my last 2 full term pregnancies. I've gone to WW, lost weight, gained weight, worked out and have over eaten. After having so many c-sections and breastfeeding all 4 babies, I had a breast reduction and lift AND a tummy tuck. When I had my surgery, I had a friend ask me how I was going to respond when my daughter finds out one day that I have had plastic surgery. My first thought was, "Who cares?" My second thought was, "If she has physical problems due to the large, sagging breast she has AND, while she's in the OR the dr. can take care of that horrible, flabby stomach that no amount of exercise was going to correct due to it being cut on 4 times, then I will walk her into the plastic surgeon's office myself!"
Here's what I want you to hear from me about all this:
it means nothing.
it means nothing.
Please don't fret over what others may say about you, be it good or not so good. Life is too short to worry about things like that.
It's your body. You answer to only one person in this universe. What you choose to do with your body, within the set limits of God's commandments, is your choice; exercise or overeat. It's your choice.
Let it go, Nicki. Keep writing about whatever it is you feel led to write about and know that at the end of the day, when you lay your head on your pillow, it's not going to matter one bit what other people may say about you. What matters is if you are being obedient to God, following His plan for your life, and living an honest life. If you can rest easy at night knowing you are good with God, then so be it.
It's no big deal what others think.
Life's too short.
Live it how YOU are called to live it.
Be encouraged today. You've never said your blog is a self help tool. It is simply a journal about your life and you have chosen to make it public. So be it. Will you get critisized? Yep. Will it hurt? Yep. Will you want to knash your teeth, pull your hair, scream and stomp your feet? Yep. Will it be worth it? Nope. Does it matter in the end? Nope.
So, when you feel under attack again, I want you to remember and chant out loud, "It's no big deal. Life is too short to be bothered with people's critique of me when the only critique I desire is God's. I will not waste my time or energy on such earthly things as what people say about me. I will let this go and continue to me the wife and mother the Lord has called me to be."
Turning 40 has it's perks, my dear. You begin to care less about what others may think or say about you. It's a nice place to be.
I'm praying for you. Your children are precious. God is good.
Carrie Young
Nicki...don't go private. Take it from a person who gets plenty of nice emails and her share of negative hate messages. If you put yourself out there you will have those who love you and those who want to attack you. You don't have to be everyone's cup of tea. It's not possible.
Here's what I do when I get nasty messages, emails that hurt or see things posted that get into the pit of my stomach.."delete." Resist the temptation to defend or deny if YOU know the the truth.
I refuse to let negativity suck the positive from my veins. On the occasion when I have spent days or hours bantering back and forth I later realize I would never be able to win "that person" over and worse... I would never be able to get that precious time back.
Stay public, but ignore or delete any messages or posts that bring you down. Fiercely protect your positive light!
Nicki - I don't know you. I've never met you. I don't even live near you...I live in California. I stumbled across your blog from Melissa Yocum, whom I used to babysit as a teenager. (I suppose I just gave away my age) I love reading your blog and I thought it was great that you would publish that you made your weight goal. I, too, have two children, ages 14 & 12. It wasn't until two years ago that I lost the remainder of the 60+ pounds I gained during my pregnancies. It's good to celebrate your weight loss success and I applaud you for working hard to reach this with such young children. Don't let people get you down. There's always somebody out there you're going to offend so you may just as well be yourself. Your friends know your character and others don't. Just brush it off and keep on blogging. Have a great weekend with the family!
Oh honey! I am so sorry you are dealing with this. I support you if you want to go private, but you better INVITE ME! Either way, I'm with ya. I love this blog because it helps me keep up with you and makes me feel like I am still a part of your life. Love ya.
p.s. winter, spring, summer, or fall...all you have to do is call!
I had a few mean comments awhile back and decided just to not allow anonymous comments which prevented any further negative ones. If you do decide to go privite- we'd love to keep reading!
Oh my gosh, is that THE Chalene Johnson commenting on your blog?! She is the reason I lost all of my baby weight!! :) I LOVE Turbo Jam :)
You can keep your blog public but still not allow anonymous comments. And you can certainly delete any you don't want to ever read again. It is your blog after all.
I'm going to send you an email in a minute- it will be nice :) I just don't want people who don't know me judging what I post here! ha!
The older REW gets the more I think she looks like you! So precious!!
I'm praying for peace within you throughout all of this. I've never met ya but I love ya!
Hey girl! This is Jennie Bradley (now Jennie Hogg). I LOVE reading your blog! You are such a wonderful inspiration and your faith shines through all that you post!
You don't know me but I read your blog all the time. Here are a few things that I have to say:
I admire you for the patience to have two kids close together
I admire you for the strength and determination to lose your baby weight in the time that you have.
I admire you for posting your weight for the world to see.
I admire you through and through.
Even if you were 5'6 or 5'7 and still wanted to be under 120 that's your decision and these anonymous people don't have a clue as to what kind of person you are. I don't personally know you but reading your blog even before the mug was born I know you did not do it to show off or brag you did it for yourself because YOU DID IT! Good for you.
If you can't say something nice don't say anything at all- my motto, some of these people should abide by it.
Again CONGRATS!!!!
Sweet Nicki,
Today will be better:-). I love the pictures you posted today. Their little personalities are just shining through!! Just remember that you are an amazing mommy and I just love that Brent was ready to throw down to defend you- nice job Brent! His opinion is really the only one that matters. Have a fantastic weekend. I love ya girl.
SO ridiculous. I am amazed at what comes out of some people's mouths. So sorry you had to deal with such a rude and assuming post. There ain't nothing wrong with posting your weight, sister! I thought it was a bold move that inspired us all post-baby that WE CAN DO IT!!!!
I applaud you. You rock, Nicki.
And your kids are gorgeous. :)
This is Lindsey from AL. I have maybe left 2 comments on your blog before, but I just HAD to write on here to tell you that this is YOUR blog, just like you said. This is totally rediculous that these people have nothing else better to do with their lives than to sit at a computer and bash someone for losing baby weight?! Is THIS what we are worried about people?? Seriously, I am WAY more worried about what our country is coming to than how much weight Nicki is losing! I mean please do not get me wrong, Way to Go!!! But what?! I would LOVE to be as small as I was before my daughter, and I am working on it, and I am THANKFUL to have a blog such as yours to come to for ENCOURAGEMENT. I say big ups to you AND Brent for having to even read this trash.
Keep on Keepin' on, Nicki!!!
Lindsey from AL
I don't know you (I just stumbled upon your blog somehow) and I am so sorry that someone made you apologize for how you feel and wanted to say. You said right off the bat in that post, that you were doing it for yourself. I will never weigh 115 lbs, but seeing your weight didn't do anything to me--it just made me happy for you! After all that's what your blog is!
I am currently on my own weight loss journey (365 days of exercise) and seeing your scale picture is EXTREMELY motivating and encouraging for me. I know I am not the only one that feels that way, so NEVER take that picture down! I find strength in seeing people succeed. You did that! I use my blog as a form of accountability, and I started it for myself. If people want to read, great, but how dare someone say something so rude and not be accountable for their own words (anonymous???sheesh).
All I can say is YOU GO GIRL! Congrats on making your goal! I think that is extremely awesome and you are a rock star! It's your life and you live it how you want. I just pray for people that let negativity be their light in a world of darkness, because the Lord knows they need it!
Congrats again!
Smiles and blessings,
Melissa :)
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