Sunday, May 24, 2009


As in cutie pa-tuties! We are so blessed to have such a sweet group of friends here. Often times, we just drop our kids off at each other's houses so we can run to a meeting, appointment, etc. Thursday we kept sweet Ella. I actually believe having two the same age (for a short time) is easier than one! All I had to do was make lunch and get a blanket for a picnic! The lawn guys came at the same time and these two were mesmerized for about 45 minutes!

Nothing like watching someone mow on a hot fun!


Katy said...

Um...yes. I could just take that little Ella home with me! 2 cute pumpkins! :)

Jill said...

SO cute- I love when the lawn men come. I open the blinds and Hollyn just stares...