Saturday, January 24, 2009

Well, I'll Be Darned...

...if this was not one of president Obama's first orders of business. Sad. Sad. Sad. And if ya'll have read thru my blog, you would know my politics are not black or white. I sit on the fence a lot of times on several issues. I really did not want to hate on the guy, but why did he have to do this right away? My biggest platform is being pro-life. It is probably one of the biggest reasons I vote conservatively. I suppose I knew it was going to happen sometime, I just wish I had time to prepare for it. I wanted to try to be excited about the changes that might happen. Ugh. Honestly, to me, it is not even being pro-choice--which is supposed to include the education of all options. This is just a flat out pro-abortion move. I am discouraged. Of course, I welcome your thoughts, even if you disagree. Just be nice, please!


Callie said...

I'm with you. Very discouraging.

S, J, B, & S said...

Don't EVEN get me started. I was debating on posting about this on my blog because it is such a huge deal to me, but I doubt people want to read my rant. :) Your post is well worded. The whole thing just sickens me.

S, J, B, & S said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jana fleming said...

straight up DITTO. sad. :(

Page said...

You know, it's funny because up until about five years ago I was always for abortions, but always knew it was something I could never choose for myself. Then, the more I started researching it, the more and more I became against it. So, I'm with you about this...I consider myself pretty conservative and it's very frustrating to me the policies Obama has enacted so far, this issue included.

me said...

he said during his campaign that this would be the first thing he signed as President. blech.

on one hand, abortions have been around for centuries. I'd rather there be a safe way IF it's going to happen- I have my own opinion about this----if a woman wants an abortion, she should "register," receive an assessment by a trained social worker, and depending on her situation (not rape, incest, etc), there should be a SIGNATURE of approval by the father (why do fathers never get a say in this!?).

Everything about the idea and process of abortions disturbs me, because of that I am also pro-life.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you 100%. I, under NO circumstances, think abortion is ok....nor will I ever support anyone that think it is.

Charla (SHar-la) said...

Thanks for the suggestions...I, too, think Beastie Boys are ultimate workout music. I will have to check out Missy Elliott. I love hip-hop too, it's just so hard to find clean, stuff with a positive message. I have really been thinking about the things I watch and listen to and realizing how much they affect my moods and such. Anyway, thanks again! And, I have to agree, I was disappointed, too. Abortion is such a hot topic, but I am convinced if people truly understood what it entailed and valued the blessing of human life, they would think twice about it being okay in ANY situation. There is ALWAYS another alternative (unless it is a matter of life and death for the mother).

Having It All said...

So very sad. If people only knew.

Lucy said...

I have been reading your blog for a while, but this is my first time to comment. I think I first found your blog through Summer, but I'm not really sure. Anyways, I feel the same way as you. I think it is very sad that this is not only being supported by our president, but it is something that he gave priority. ERG... very upsetting.

mommymimi said...

i can't believe it! what is our world coming to that tiny little lives don't matter! i can't believe he went to michelle's sonograms and still doesn't believe that a tiny baby has rights too! i am sick! i heart your boldness!!!!

Jennifer said...

I'm totally with you, Nic! I knew that this was on the top of his priority list. My heart is just broken over it.

A Konzelman said...

I would have hoped that our next President would be in favor of defending the defenseless at any cost, but alas, I'm not surprised.

lauren said...

It made me sick when I heard that. I think that a lot of the time, people who believe in Pro Choice would change their minds if they were educated on the matter. So so sad!

kelly 's a riot said...

you know my thoughts echo yours. i just wanted to tell you i was proud of your post. well-worded, as always.

Kimberly said...

i look at our recent sonogram pictures of baby #2 and i just don't get how anybody could take a precious little life much less be the one who allow it to occur.

sweet sweet little lives.