Friday, November 14, 2008

Will It Be Another Week?

Sheesh! You know the problem with delivering your first early is that once you hit the mark you had them, everyday thereafter you feel like you are overdue! So, I feel at this point I am overdue by a week! I am still at a 3 (even after trying ALMOST every method in the book to speed things along), 50% effaced. BUT she has moved waaaay into my pelvis, stationed at a 0 !! You should see my belly because of that--it looks so weird, it is like my belly button is facing the floor!! At least there is some progress to report! I really wanted her to come earlier this week, but now I want her to hold off. There is a Baylor football game, v. Aggies tomorrow and a basketball game tomorrow night. I want Brent to be excited to be at the birth and not want to watch sports while I push out a lfe. You know? Also my best friend, KP is out of town this weekend. So, Reeses Pieces, stay put for a couple more days, ok?
I will miss pregnancy. Weird how you miss it when all you do is complain about it for 10 months! Still, you just never know if it will happen again. It is something so unknown and scary, yet sweet all at the same time. I will say, people have not made as many rude comments this go around. I think it is because I don't work, so I don't encounter as many randoms. I am mainly with my best friends all the time and of course they tell me I look great! And even though I am scheduled for an induction next friday--which takes away so much guess work when planning where Mug goes and when--I would love for her to come spontaneously! It is a little fun and weird and painful to get to experience it that way. I guess we will just have to see. Ok, I have rambled your eyes off long enough. I will keep you posted on any progress. Feel free to share how you went--scheduled C, induction, adoption date, or water broke in Target--I love to hear that stuff!


Rose said...

I had an ultrasound at 39w6d to monitor growth since I couldn't be induced for another week, and C Man was only measuring 36 weeks, so I was induced that day! Poor little guy, his placenta was ALL WORN OUT!

How about a picture of that belly?

Kristy said...

Well, since you asked...I had a scheduled induction on my due date. It went really well and surprisingly fast. They broke my water at 8am and he was here by 12:45pm. Can't wait to see pics when she is here!! And I agree, how about a belly pic?

Kimberly said...

Oh sweet little little. Please hang on until I get home. Missing your birth would break my heart.

And you know my story. Balloon to dialate the cervix on Thursday afternoon,admit to hospital, crazy feeling but wonderful, Dr. M broke water early on Friday morning, all was well. Back labor, epidural, perfect. Nurse check, drain some water. Boom! The cord prolapsed. Fifteen minutes later and an emergency section, Creighton entered our world at 9:33 am.

God is good! He will have yet another wonderful story to share with the birth of your baby girl.

Hang in there. You do look wonderful! I meant to have you take some belly pictures this morning at our house, man, I forgot!

Come Sunday, if she's still cookin' (crossing my fingers and saying my prayers) I'm coming to get some belly photos, you know, the over-rated ones with the blocks that I love so much!

The Johnstons said...

scheduled induction 2 days before my due date...broke water around 8 a.m., and parker was here about 3 p.m. easy as that. ha! :)

cannot wait to meet sweet reese!!!

SuperMom said...


With our last, we wanted to have the "honey, it's time moment!" but after being in terrible pain, we scheduled an induction. AT the last minute we changed our minds and cancelled it....wouldn't you know the very next day I went into labor. With three pregnancies, I've had one very spontaneously and au natural (like a 31 minute delivery), one scheduled induction with a big epidural, and the third finally gave us the "honey, it's time moment." All were equally special. Not sure I would change anything about any of them.....except maybe the natural childbirth thing. Owie, that's all I can say.

Anonymous said...

I was scheduled for an induction and went into labor 24 hours before I was scheduled to check into hospital. Got epi when dilated a 2!! I'm a weenie!! So funny bc every time a weekend came around, I hoped that I would not go into labor bc my husband is a Hogs fan and I knew he'd be watching the game in the delivery room!!

amy said...

My water broke around 10pm...after my last day of school for the school year. It was perfect timing.
I can't wait to see the pictures of your little girl....I know she's going to be super cute just like your Mug.

Jill said...

i have been thinking about you- hollyn was way down there too- 4 pushes- so you are in great shape!! i was not induced (water had slow leak) but did have to have potassin- it worked out fine and was realy fast - that is funny b/c i really never missed being pregnant- hr timing will be just right

Angie said...

For me...
one emergency c-section and one scheduled c-section. i would love to try to do a "normal" childbirth next time around though. although it is nice to know exactly when the baby is coming, i would love to have the excitement in waiting...
keep us posted if you do go into labor before next friday!

Kelly said...

Ok, with Hannah, she was born 5 days before her due date. Had contractions for about 20hrs at home, then in tears called my OB...please do something, got to the hospital STILL only 1-2cm... you've got to be kidding me. Doc admitted me, broke my water, got epidural at 4cm, had pitocin, pushed for 1.5hrs, she was born after 41hrs of labor. Forever long, but really it was all very smooth.

With Caleb, whole different story, my placenta was really low, started bleeding at 28wks. Was admitted to the hospital 45miles away from our house at 32 weeks, on bedrest in the hospital for 5 weeks, had stress tests done twice a day every day, then the day before he was born...I had had another bleeding episode..the next day wasn't feeling him move as much, from the monitor I was contracting every 5min, so c-section was done at 36wks 6d, he went to the NICU for 5 days. TOTALLY different experience than with Hannah. All is well and he turns 16mos old this week : )

Wow..that was kinda long, and you don't have complications, so you're gonna do great!!! Thanks for letting me ramble on your blog : )

Meg said...

nicki!! i HAVE seen you and you look wonderful! and i went at
40w4d and had to be induced...UGGGG!! i will say the induction was easy-peasy (esp. if you are already a 3). no matter how she gets here, YAY for baby reese!! XOXO

Kyle and Marci said...

Karlie arrived 1 hour and 15 minutes before her due date. I was admitted at 5:30 p.m., my water was broken at 7 p.m., epidural at 9 p.m., and she came at 10:45 p.m.

Nicki W. said...

oh! i am just smiling reading all of these stories! it is such evidence that the lord ordains each of these children in their own way--setting them all apart with different times and different methods! it is so exciting!!! keep 'em coming! so enjoyable for me to read!

Abby said...

I was induced two days after my due date. We got to the hospital at 6:30, and he broke my water around 7:15. I was not dilated or effaced when I went into the hospital. He came in around 10ish to check me and I was at a 1 and maybe 50%. He came back at noon and no progress had been made and he said it would probably by well into the night. An hour later, I told Jay that I needed to push! My doctor came immediately and I was at 10, and about 80%. I started pushing at 3:30 and sweet Madyson was born at 4:13. It was incredible and I would do it all over again!!!

Amy said...

The first, I went to my 39week appt and the dr. admitted me that day and broke my water. No pit. Apparently, his heart rate took a drop and dr.was concerned. He came in 3 hours with an epi. So easy!

The second, well, you know this already...Induced at 39wk3d...pit drip and water broken at 8:30, baby came at epi...ouch, but SO amazing to experience it that way! Crazy that I can even say that!

Can't wait for Reese and her very own story :) She will be here SO soon! Less than a week....

ThePoeFam said...

Can't wait to see her...hang in there! :) and, I was induced a week no advice here! :)

Anonymous said...

We weren't really sure when to expect sweet Caro since I was on Depo when we got pregnant. From the sono they estimated a due date, and she still wasn't here 2 weeks later. They scheduled an induction, and our families drove in for the big celebration. Only it didn't take. Twice. Our families left, and I felt like a failure. (So funny now that I think about it!)

Two days later, I went into labor, arrived at the hospital with 12 other women, and got the last L&D room. There were so many deliveries that the residents were spread thin, and since mine was going so smoothly, we got the rookie doctor. (We affectionately call him Doogie Howswer.) Five pushes in six minutes, and Caro was here - Doogie's first delivery. Such a special moment for everyone!

lauren said...

That was fun reading all of that! I was reading thinking, "I wonder if Jack's birth will be like any one of these!"

You know James', but I will add it anyway.
Went into labor on my due date. Went to the hospital at 10:30 pm. They told me I could go home with an Ambien at midnight or stay. I stayed and immediately went into hard labor. No time for an epidural and he was here at 2:03 am after 3 pushes! Very very painful!

I can't wait to here that you have gone into labor and to meet that sweet baby girl!!

laura said...

No delivery story here, but wanted you to know I am praying for you!