Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Ball is Rolling

I went to my check up yesterday and I am dilated 1.5 cm. Don't alert the media just yet, this could be a while, BUT the same thing happened with Mug at the exact same check up and I ended up delivering at 37 weeks! While this is all exciting, I would love for Reese to stay warm and cozy and get fatter for at least 2 more weeks!! Plus, I already have a Valentine's Day baby, would it be fair for me to get a Halloween baby too?? Please pray for my little one that she stays put for 2 more weeks or more!! I am excited and my agenda today is as follows:
1. pack hospital bag. leave by door.


Melissa said...

I'm praying! Stay put Reese!! :)

kinsey said...

so exciting!!

Kimberly said...

please let the bag stay put until i get back to waco :) can't wait to meet sweet reese.

Rose said...

I hope that it's soon! Thats awesome, so 1.5 cm that you don't have to dilate in pain!

JamesDaddy said...

I am praying for that and will continue! Exciting, though!!

JamesDaddy said...

Whoops, that is from Lauren!

Abby said...

Praying for you and Reese!!!

Lindsay said...

so exciting! praying for you!!