Monday, August 25, 2008

First Heart Break

Maybe you remember a similar scenario: You go up to school before it starts to see who's class you are in. You scan the list and see your best friend's name on one list. And your other friend. Another. You frantically search for your name, but it's no where in sight. You are on the other list. In the other class. The one with all the dorks. The one with the teacher who has a weird last name like Groce (pronounced: Gross). Remember how you felt? Now try to think of how your mom felt. That is me today. Please know that as I write this, the sillier I feel. But if I may be quite vulnerable with you, I have cried more in the past two days than I have in literally two years. Actually, I have not cried in two years period. Not a good one. An ugly sob. The one where your eyes hurt for a couple of days afterward. Tristan actually has never seen me cry and went ballistic. Yep. All over stupid Mother's Day Out drama. I knew there had to be drama.
As most of you know from a previous post I did in April, I am not 100% keen to the idea of needing MDO. But eventually, I got sucked in to the "social needs" speech everyone gives you regarding tots. I was also very excited and on board once I found out he would be in his best friend, Creighton's class along with his cousin and 2 other friends from playgroup. Ok, I feel better about that. They told me he would be the youngest in there and asked if that was Ok. No prob. Long story long, we were out in the boonies this weekend where I had no cell reception. Well, when I got my message Sunday evening that my MDO teacher called to tell me what class Mug would be in, I quickly realized things were not as I expected. Tristan had been moved to a different class. I know no one in his class. This is not normal for me. I have called everyone I know in town who has a child similar in age. Nope. Nope. Nope. Heartbreak. More because I don't need a break. Also, because I had actually gotten excited at the idea for Tristan to have a fun day with friends. This is strictly voluntary. If it were a normal kindergarten thing, I would say, sorry, everyone goes thru this, but YOU HAVE TO GO TO SCHOOL. I feel like I am abandoning him to strangers for no reason. My initial response is not to go. Here it is 12 hours before he goes and I am still debating. I also don't want to be that mom. You know, the psycho. This is really MY feelings of hurt, not his. Still, it would be so much easier to drop him off knowing it was purely tears. I know that will not be the case, which breaks my heart even more. Anyway, here his back pack, lunch box and nap mat(which is a joke in and of itself...I am sure there will be more posts on that subject alone) sits, awaiting school tomorrow. We even went shopping for a new outfit and going to school books. All in effort of course, to cheer ME up. I realize the trivialness in all of this. The situation is pretty ridiculous even as I read over what I am writing. I always try not to be this person and usually succeed. There are so many more hurts in the world, this is not one. Still, for some reason, this struck me so hard. Perhaps, I can play my "I'm a pregnant emotinal basket case" card at this point? Sheesh. I better shape up for when real school starts. This is exhausting. So, the question now is, will he stay or will he go???


Rose said...

He has to go, you have all that cute monogrammed stuff!

Really though, I'm very sorry and I would be sad too!

amy said...

Oh my goodness. I can totally imagine how you feel...but I also think things happen for a reason. I think you should try it. If it is terrible then you can always quit going. Perhaps the Mug (and you) are meant to be in this other class because of the friends he'll make in there.
Plus, his school supplies are super cute.

Kristy said...

I know a little boy that is going to be in that class. His name is Caleb and he's sweet! Look for the little boy with red hair! His mom thinks the nap mat is a joke too!( Hope that helps a little! Tristans supplies are super cute and Price has the same lunch box! Hang in there, he'll have a good time!

Nicki W. said...

you guys are too sweet :) i am going to take him. the worst case scenario would be that he hates it for several weeks and we just don't go back!

Nicki W. said...

oh! and his teacher's name is not really groce. that was actually brent's kindergarten story! her name really was groce!

walkers said...

i am laughing and tearing up a bit for you girl- oh the heartaches we go through for our chilren. i know you will do what is best for your boy. my suggestion is tell brent to take you to more sappy movies- you need to get the rivers flowing:)

Kylie said...

I remember Ms. Groce. I had Miss Pirckle though :)
I feel exactly like you do. In fact that is why I take my child to FBC Hewitt for no other reason than because I know he knows the other children well and I know the directors well! You are right though, it is strictly voluntary and nothing that you have to do. If it doesn't go well, then you don't have to go. I certainly wouldn't blame you. (I've never been one who really needed it either.) Hudson goes one day because all of his friends do and he really does enjoy it:) Tristan's supplies are totally cute!! Hudson shocked the socks off of me and actually sleeps on his mat, too! You are acting normal in my book- haha:)

kelly 's a riot said...

nic nic--

SO SORRY to hear about the class assignments:( i am with rose, though, the monogramming IS cutie:)

see you tomorrow night to see what happened.


Kimberly said...

I think everthing happens for a reason and for some reason, Mug and CDP are not supposed to be in the same class. God has some purpose in splitting them up & it may take all semester and more for us to see it, but I have faith His plan is better than ours!

Today could be a difficult day for Mommy Office! Although cleaning the house is top on my list, maybe we should celebrate dropping them off!

angie said...

I wonder if you son and Ally are in the same 117??? Mabey?!?! I hope that you enjoy your day and know that he will be loved on, and probably have a fantastic day:)BTW I thought the whole rest mat for a 20 month old was such a joke, but somehow...they actually get ALL the kids to sleep on is really a miracle.

SuperMom said...

Speaking from tried and true wisdom here....Tristan will survive and so will you. Wait until he's in 4th grade eagerly anticipating a certain fabulous teacher and being with his "Best-est friend"...and gets neither. It happened to us, and oh how I wanted to fix it! Thought about calling the principal....thought about using my "I'm On The School Board" card, thought about switching schools....

But you know what? It was one of the best years of her life, and her teacher discipled that class in a way that impacted KL's walk with the Lord.

But go ahead and let yourself cry and fret....then wipe your eyes, open your car door and walk that baby in to his first day of school.

Melissa said...

You are so not crazy. I totally understand your feelings. This was supposed to be a fun thing where he was to be surrounded by friends that he already knows. It was supposed to be comfortable, and you'd already geared up for where the comfort was coming from. I hope you both do better than expected, and that after the first day, he adores his new teacher and has made new bosom buddies! Maybe God is trying to expand your friend circle and your comfort zone at the same time. I'll be praying for you guys today!!

Nicki W. said...

once again, you all are so so so sweet and VERY encouraging! i knew you all would be. i don't feel half as crazy and i am going to post about it!

yes!!! t is in ally's class! good, see--i feel good about that :) there were a lot of girls and not so many boys in that class. hmmm...good practice for the future :)