Uncle Brent hogging the littles from Nic Nic Naked Curious Georges Splish Splashin'! Giggles and Indian calls. Tristan did the indian call for, oh say, 20 minutes. I still can't figure out what it means!!
I had so, so much fun at your house. Thank you for letting me come play, for feeding me, for bathing me, and for putting me to sleep. Thank you Uncle Brent for saving me from your mean dogs! I can tell you're both more fun than mom and dad.
Okay, so in the second to last picture (a bath picture) I called Ryan in here to ask him who the third baby was in the tub. You could only see his head. I asked him if Colton had that much hair because that was all I could figure...Ryan said, "Corrie, that is Brent's KNEE!" Okay, seriously though, it could be another little baby head! Look at the pic!
I thought the same thing as Corrie!! I wondered why there was a third baby in there that I hadn't seen yet in any pictures! There's one picture of Tristan in the bath that I thought could be James, too. I think we need to have a Tristan, Creighton, James playdate!
I am first and foremost, a woman who LOVES the Lord. Not far behind are my loves for my oh-so-hot and delightful husband and my two amazing and beautiful little muffin children! Since I am a professional at neglecting all things housework, I have recently decided that I have enough time on my hands to devote to writing {another love} 3 blogs! My love for fitness and my friends spurred The Cardio Junkies which is a fun little {hopefully} motivational read. I have another love too. Throwing parties. Hence, my third blog, A Small Town Soiree, meant to showcase all of my friends and my obsession with throwing fabulous parties...even in our mid-size town! Hope you enjoy!
Aunt Nic Nic and Uncle Brent,
I had so, so much fun at your house. Thank you for letting me come play, for feeding me, for bathing me, and for putting me to sleep. Thank you Uncle Brent for saving me from your mean dogs! I can tell you're both more fun than mom and dad.
Give Tristan a hug from me.
Love you both,
Creighter Bug
Okay, so in the second to last picture (a bath picture) I called Ryan in here to ask him who the third baby was in the tub. You could only see his head. I asked him if Colton had that much hair because that was all I could figure...Ryan said, "Corrie, that is Brent's KNEE!"
Okay, seriously though, it could be another little baby head! Look at the pic!
I am so jealous, what a fun night of 2 of the most adorable boys!
I thought the same thing as Corrie!! I wondered why there was a third baby in there that I hadn't seen yet in any pictures! There's one picture of Tristan in the bath that I thought could be James, too. I think we need to have a Tristan, Creighton, James playdate!
How fun!
But what's an Indian call?
Such cute cousins! How fun that they are such great friends and live so close together!
Merry Christmas!! :)
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