Friday, April 21, 2006

What Are We Doing to Ourselves???

Before I start what I really want to blog about, I want to mention something that I forgot when I was updating you all. You can scroll on down if you are not a fan of "The Shield" (Cody, you may be the only one reading). Why, oh, why did Shane grenade our beloved Lem?? That was horrific. The man was going to prison to have God knows what happen to him--taking one for the team--and he scorches him!! What?? I seriously was upset with the writers. I wrote them. That is very upsetting to me that they would write him off in such a way. Lem. He was the kinda good bad good guy. Brent and I both had nightmares and night sweats after we watched that. It was worse than when Gus died. Oh, my aching heart.
OK, now what I really wanted to write about. I felt a little left out in my house with the whole DVR thing. I really don't have a show of my own. We share Idol and The Shield. Nothing just for me. So, I said "fine. I am going to DVR Oprah." Now, I mainly think Oprah is full of herself and arrogant, and pseudo smart. She always acts amazed. Have you ever noticed that? However, sometimes, she pulls a good one out that makes me think. A couple of weeks ago, she did one about the marginalization of women. It really made me sad and it made me think. Basically, we are a celebrity infused society nowadays. We have become so enthralled in what they are doing, wearing and who they are making babies with that we loose a sense of reality. It showed how girls want to look like celebrities and spend tons of money to be people we see in the magazines, when all the while they are denying themselves of any opinions and sense of their own. Basically, Jessica Simpson is who women have to aspire to. That kind of thing makes me sad. It's not even the fact that I think Jessica Simpson is dumb, it's the opposite. I think she is smart and playing a role that makes her more profitable. Unfortunately, young women in our society look at that and idolize her for it. And it's not just her. It's what young women do to get guys to notice them and how sex has become such a casual affair. I thought I was not tempted by the celebrity nation that we live in, but then I thought about how much VH1 and "entertainment" shows I watch and I realized that I am a victim as well. The worst part is that this is a huge market that makes mega profit off of us being superficial. It really made me think about how I really want to change that. I have always been passionate about women finding their identities in Christ and having confidence and respect for themselves. This just made me realize how big the beast is that we have to fight against. I want to write a book about it. It's just yucky. My decision has been that I am no longer watching any "look how great these celebrities are" TV shows. Silliness. Also to not read the magazines in the lines at HEB. Wow. That's really hard to do. I really don't even want to admit to knowing who Lindsey Lohan fought at a club last week over Wilmer Valerwhatshisbutt. Superficial. It is so empty. Let's strive for life abundant ladies!!! OK, now that I have said my peace, what are your thoughts? Don't worry, you are not shunned by me if you sneak a peek in the lines. As most of you know, I tend to be pretty radical and it was something that affected me in my own way in my own world. For what it's worth.


lauren said...

I'm so glad you're back in the blogging world! I'm just getting caught up because I have been too distracted to get on the computer lately (huge for me!). I'm so sorry to hear about your liver! I'll keep that in my prayers, and hopefully your next test will come back fine. I also DVR Oprah everyday and really took a lot from that one as well! It makes me sick that these young girls are finding their identity in everything superficial. There's so much more to life than that, and once you get past that, it's such a huge relief and the key to a deeper, more meaningful life. Of course, we know it's God who we should have our identity in, but I still think it's good for them to talk about that and get people thinking. I rationalize my People magazine reading and interest in celebrity, because I can separate it from the way I live my life, but I also probably shouldn't support it. I have stopped watching E, though, just recently, and I don't miss it! Sorry for the rambling, long comment, should've just written you an email!

lauren said...
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lauren said...
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lauren said...

Wow...I accidently posted that 3 times, so I erased it for you.

Corrie said...

Fascinating post, Nic. Why don't "real women" look at stars and aspire NOT to be like them? Seriously, they have so many problems (divorce, infidelity, papparazzi...) that very few of them ever seem truly happy. R and I say it all the time...We LOVE our boring, understated life.

Tiffany said...

After reading this, I really started thinking about your radical movement on the subject of celebrities. Steven says that I have a Masters in Celebrity. I have a subscription to US weekly and always know what everyone is wearing and who they are dating (or at least who they say they are dating). Your rant really made me think about what that really says about me. I always said that I am mature enough to seperate real and fake, but now i'm not so sure. You have really opened my eyes and given me somthing to think about. Don't even get me started on Oprah yesterday! Did you see it? I was appalled that a four year old ONLY eats fruits and vegetables because she thinks that otherwise she will get fat! It hurts my heart to think that it is starting that young. Sorry for the long comment, just wanted to share.

Suzanne said...

our views on Oprah are SOOOO similar! i too saw this episode and it is ridiculous! (i DVR Oprah as well!) makes me nervous to think what our children will have to go through one day.

BTW, praying for your health...that is so scary. keep us updated! and nice to see you blogging again! i missed nicksterland! :)

Nicki W. said...

I rejoice to know that you all are feeling the same way. Really, we have NOTHING to aspire to if we look at them. Unless you aspire to be an adultress, divorcee, alcoholic, anorexic. I think we really need to take a look at our joy adn where it comes from. We have the ability to share the wonderdul life that we live so abundantly with others!!! WE are the ones that THEY should aspire to be like!

Jamie said...

Hey! I know you don't know me from -Adam-, but I just wanted to let you know that I completely agree with this post!!! :) :) I am a recent stay at home mom who is striving to find my identity in Christ. Before having baby William, I was an anchor/reporter at a local TV station. I had to guard against the temptation to worry about what the world thought of my appearance, image, etc. on a daily basis. Anyhow, I just wrote this to say- Girlfriend, I'm with ya! I couldn't agree more. You also inspired me to stop picking those magazine (US Weekly, In Touch, etc.) at the grocery store. I tell my husband they're junk food for the brain...and that's just what they are! Thanks again for the post.