Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Props again to Oprah

I sound like an Oprah fan club blogger, but she did the best thing she could have ever done for me. She shed light on the foreign issue I am most passionate about, Invisible Children (see the "something I believe in" link). She brought to America in the capacity that only she can, the topic of children brutally raped, beaten, murdered and forced to kill their own family members in Northern Uganda. Literally thousands of children each night flee from their homes, hiding from the Lords Resistance Army (LRA), for hopes that their lives will be spared for another night. There is soooo much I would like to write about on this topic, don't get me started! Please visit either or to check out the show and donate monetarily or partake in the night commute on April 29, or buy a bracelet. This truly is a cause that I heart with all my heart. Anyone who knows me knows how I feel about Uganda and it's people. SO brave and their souls are old and innocent. If you ever want to have an Invisible Children viewing party, where you watch the documentary, please let me know. I think Oprah just hit gold for this nation. It is a travesty. I think things are going to change now.


lauren said...
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lauren said...

I just watched it this morning and am stunned that this is going on!! My heart hurts for these children, and I wish we could do something as a country to stop this! It's sad that it's like the Holicost and is getting not much attention. Definite props to Oprah for bring out these issues.

Nicki W. said...

It is really important that we know this as Americans. Not ttheir hat we can save all nations from problems, but The Invisible Children Foundation has a plan to build a safe haven for these children and create a village where they can all live. It's really fascinating. We have some missionary friends who are moving to that region this summer! I cannot wait to go there too! Uganda is a lovely, lovely country!

Patriot Action said...

She did a good thing...but she's still the devil.

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