Thursday, April 20, 2006

Help! I Need a New Liver

I am shamefully returning to the blogger's world. Tail is tucked. I think I needed a reprieve. To be honest, the last few weeks have been so busy that I had no time to sit and write or really even think about how to write it. I am back though. I have a lot to blog about, but I need to make up for lost time. I'll recap:
*Two of my dearest friends had their babies last week! Lauren and Angie brought beautiful baby boys into the world.
*Taylor still rocks my face off.
*We spent Easter with Mamadou--Jealous?
* I worked on an outreach called the Magdalene Project the week of Easter...that kept me VERY busy.
*The past two weekends, Brent and I have been helping my friend Angie paint, move in and set up her new house.
*Brent started coaching an AAU league will be gone several weekends starting with this one.
*I am in a Bible study with some incredible women in Waco, we are studying "Breaking Free" and it is changing my life.
*I found out that I am going to be an AUNT!!!! Kendra and Brad are pregnant!
I am so thrilled to know my little nephniece!

On a less lovely note, I have been having some health problems. This is another reason I have not blogged. I had some upper abdominal pain three weeks ago, had an abdominal ultrasound and ran blood tests to see if it was an ulcer or gallstones, well, it was neither. Randomly they came back showing that my liver enzyme count is WAY high. More than triple what they should be. So, yeah. That's me. I am getting some MORE blood tests done to specifically test the liver and another ab. ultrasound on the ol' liver. Funny thing is that most diseases effecting the liver are Hep A, B and C and Scirrosis. HA! The only case I may have is that I was in a foreign country not too long ago that is widely known for viral Hep. However, I do not believe for one second that is the case. I think, wait...I believe that my new tests are going to come back fine. I have struggled all my life with digestive and GI problems, so that is expected, however, it never crossed my mind that anything would be faulty about my liver. If you think about it, pray for me. I know God is faithful, but the liver is a weird thing to get bad news about. Still, God is so good to me, I will praise Him with all I am!
Anyway, I promise, no more bad blogging. I'll try to stay up on it! Peace!


Anonymous said...

Hey girl! I love your blogs--thanks for the update! So great to hear about the Project-it is such an amazing outreach and testimony. We will be praying for you!

Shelly said...

i'll be praying fory you:)

Shelly said...

p.s. i finally set up a blog!! hope you check it out!

Nicki W. said...

Miss you girl!

I love that you are blogging...I'll be a frequent flyer!

Corrie said...

Hello, love. I've been thinking about you while we've been gone. I will want to hear all about the tests, results, etc. Welcome back to the blogging world. We missed you!

Nicki W. said...

Thank you my dear! I am so happy you are back! Are you home-home? I hope your flowers were not too wilty. It has been hot as hades here already. Love you.

Anonymous said...

Hey Nickster,
I'm praying for you and know that your tests will come back fine! Even though we don't get to see each other that often I keep up with your blogs so I feel like I know what's going on. Glad to hear that everything else is going well!

Nicki W. said...

I got teary eyed for some reason when I saw your name. I miss ya'll. It has been too long. I love you!