Wednesday, September 07, 2005


Sorry I have not blogged in a while. Not really blogger's block, but a lot going on. I did catch fish on the fly rod! Woohoo! We had a blast in Colorado, it was such a fun time of relaxing and prayer. We even saw a bear that was really close to our car! I love nature there, I feel close to God. Speaking of nature, Katrina has really struck a chord with me. Who hasn't it? Such chaos! We all know someone who has been personally and deeply affected by all of this. Brent actually is there right now. He wanted to go and help. He loves to serve like that. He went with our friend, Michael. We found a ministry thru a friend of mine. He is there as we speak setting up distribution centers and handing out food and water. I hardly get to speak to him b/c of phone lines down, but I do get to text message him. He briefly called me today and he and said he and Michael were driving around looking at everything. So sad. Anyway, hopefully I can post some pictures later on. Let's keep the people there in our prayers.