Saturday, March 20, 2010

Sip and See Lil' Miss Alana

I had the honor and privilege this past weekend of helping hostess a sip & see for my wonderful SIL, Kendra, and my newest niece, Alana! There was a great turnout despite the random, frigid and wet weather! Lots of love to show our sweet mommy/daughter duo! Here are most of the hostesses {minus Kimbo and Amanda}. We used all siver and fine china. We had a coffee bar so we really wanted to display all of our teacups and saucers!
Here are some other details...

Coffee was a HUGE hit and perfect for the brrrrrr cold weather outside!

And the guest of honor, Miss Alana Michelle Wilson.


Katy said...

Miss Alana....who looks exactly like her mama!! :)

Y'all did a fabbbbulous job. I absolutely loved the decor---china and silver, I mean, come on!

Sally said...

it was a GORGEOUS event!!! great job ladies!!

angie said...

nice job! what a pretty sip and see.

Anonymous said...

great post, I am interesting in it!