Saturday, November 21, 2009

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO REW! Cookies and Milk for YOU!

Oh my. My angel had her first Birthday on Saturday! It was surreal. Brent and I were setting up for the party and he told me that he was genuinely sad that she was one. He said he felt like she was not his little bitty baby girl anymore {are you hinting to me, darling} and it made me a little sad. I just simply can't believe it. I feel like if you asked me to recount every day and something about it, I could. It was just so brief. REW is my sweet little cupcake baby and always will be! We decided to do a "Cookies and Milk" theme and I have to say, I was pleased. I did the main colors as yellow and brown with accents of pink and orange. Almost everything was homeade. I LOVED doing her party--ok, I LOVE doing ALL parties! Still, this one just seemed so fitting for my REW. It was perfect for her little personality. The party started early {9:30 a.m.} and the Birthday girl woke up at 9:22! haha! She is my weirdly late sleeper. A close group of lots of family and a few near and dear friends came to celebrate. She had 3 outfit changes. This outfit was the party outfit. While I am a sucker for smockings, I could not find anything with cookies, and this particular outfit had on the pattern of the dress cookies and milk! Party decor! It was so fun to make everything!

The birthday girl normally prefers water, but today, she had her first taste of strawberry milk and now is a huge fan!
Aunt Biss and REW. Sadly, I got almost no pictures with anyone else. I have no idea what got into me. I was so laid back at her party and just soaking it all in that I did not take a zillion pictures. Which is sort of a bad thing. Maybe I should go back to high-strung?!?!
Of course, the bestie/boyfriend was here. Little Sawyer James. What would Reese do without his company all the time? They are great pals while the big boys run in circles around them! Can't wait to see what blossoms from their friendship!
And SWEET Griffin. Oh, this chunk is my man. He is the most cuddly little {big} thing.
Party girl wanted to be outside in her wagon. So, she got her way.
And we brought it inside for Kenley Lou to get in with her. Kenley was not pleased with the paprazzi. REW felt differently. I am so excited to have these two around. Aunt Nic will spoil rotten and always shop with you girls! But can I say, I smell trouble with 2 Wilson girls!
Smash cake--I was SHOCKED that REW did not tear this bad boy up! She licked it and stuck a fist in it, but did not eat it much.

What a fun day! I enjoyed it so much. REW is a year old and going strong! There will be a ONE YEAR post to come! Here's to one year of REW...


Lauren Madison said...

So adorable. David and I had so much fun! REW looked cute as ever. Thank you so much for inviting us. You have one sweet girl!!

Kylie said...

I think as moms we love our kids birthdays every bit as much as they do, maybe more!! :)
What a Beauty! Happy Birthday!

Heather said...

Maybe she didn’t smash her cake, because she’s a lady…so well-mannered! CUTE CUTE CUTE party idea!! I may have to steal it if I have a girl one day!

The Bobo Buzz said...

PRECIOUS!! Happy Happy Birthday REW! Those eyes are gonna be the death of yall!! ;) Such a cute theme too!!

Callie said...

What a sweet party theme! It looks like you all had a great time. I can't believe it has been a year since I first saw REW's sweet face on your blog!

Shelly said...

What a precious party!
Happy Birthday Reese:)

Sally said...

how stinkin cute was that party?? you go mommy!! or shall i say, jill of all trades!! SOOO cute and creative. Happy Bday Reecey! Cannot believe she is one already! AHH!

angie said...

Cute cute party! You made it through all the sleepless nights, nursing, spit-up, and all the other joys of mommyhood! I know you loved every minute, and wouldn't change a thing. Have a great Thanksgiving.

Kimberly said...

sweet reese, we loved celebrating your first birthday. it really seems like yesterday we were awaiting your arrival. time goes by so quickly. we love you so.

Jennifer said...

Thanks for including us in Reese's special day! We love her so very much and are blessed to have such a sweet girl in our lives!

lauren said...

Everything looks so cute!! We hated to miss celebrating sweet Reese. I still can't believe they're one now!

walkers said...

absolutely the cutest first birthday ever! what a thoughtful mommy you are. your children will be singing your praises forever!