I am referencing the song by the great Wayne Watson {whose son and daughter-in-law I am coincidentally good friends with}. One verse has been playing over and over and over in my head the past few days--I wanted so badly to put it on my playlist, but sadly, it was not offered there: "Seems an endless mound of laundry, and a stairway laced with toys, gives a blow-by-blow reminder of the war. That we fight for their well-being. For the greater understanding, to impart a holy reverence For the Lord." Chorus:"But, baby, what will we do When it comes back to me an you? They look a little less like little ones every day. Oh, the pleasure of watching the children growing Is mixed with a bitter cup of knowing the watercolor ponies will one day ride away." So, that is the sappy part of how I feel. Knowing that these days are short with my little bits. They are so stinkin' yummy and cute. However, the "stairway laced with toys" puts it mildly. I know I should feel more water color pony-ish, but I feel in a word...suffocated. Gross. Invaded. Overtaken. Ladies and gents, the pictures I am about to show you are extremely graphic. They may make you gasp. Trust me, I am putting myself out there. I am being totally vulnerable to show you the conditions in which I have been living the past week... Overtaken by toys. I am soooo out-numbered.
Toys and just crap are in every inch of my house. Even the spots that are seemingly clean, have something on them!
Part of the problem is the two-story thing. I will be honest. It is easier to haul things down and keep them there. Sometimes I like Mug to play downstairs while REW is napping and vice versa.
At the end of the day I am floored at how much stuff is everywhere! It makes me tired to even think of it! I will say that "messes" don't normally bother me, rather "dirtiness". But the past few days have been different! We have been inside almost all day and Brent is gone {he is the one who tidies up the place} and I have been going bonkers!
The additional dog and kennel are not ours by the way! I want to leave you with these last funny photos. We have about 200 of these fake bugs everywhere. If REW is not trying to eat one, Mug is putting them in my shoes to scare me.
Little men who have names to all of them. Mug has a little man for each man in his life that he loves {i.e. Daddy, John, Uncle Brad, Uncle Casey, Bubba, Pop Pop}. Well, here is a dead "Bubba".
And a dead "Tristan". Yes, he named 2 men after himself.
So, there you have it. I can't believe soon REW will have a birthday and then Christmas to gather more toys to leave around the house! AHHH! I think a garage sale is in order! Or maybe we can take toys to a child in need? Or maybe I should stop blogging and CLEAN UP!!!!!
I totally wrote the exact same thing then I didn't post it! I was afraid of the judgement:-)! So sorry honey that you feel bonkers, I hope this week is less cluttery.
aww Nicki!! such a sweet and honest post, and such truth! thank you! one of these days we'll look back and miss the mess, ahhh! until then, hang in there and know you are NOT alone! :)
Love that song - I hadn't heard it/read the lyrics since I've had children, so of course it made my eyes mist! I get you about the mess. I wish my mess was as nice as yours!!! :) I am plagued with PAPER piles!
That is funny bc we stayed home ALL day yesterday and now Hollyn is sick so we are home ALL day again, I looked around and thought about taking pictures and blogging about the mess, but was too embarrassed!I have never even thought about the lyrics of that song since I had her, thanks for the sadness!
I just found an old book of ours with the Watercolor Ponies words- and I've had that song stuck in my head too. I'm glad I am not the only one who struggles with the mess, steps on dinosaurs, all the while trying to remember these days are short!
Love the bugs Tristan puts in your shoes to scare you and the men that he names...so funny! Gosh, they do grow up so fast and it's hard to remember to enjoy and cherish every moment.
I am first and foremost, a woman who LOVES the Lord. Not far behind are my loves for my oh-so-hot and delightful husband and my two amazing and beautiful little muffin children! Since I am a professional at neglecting all things housework, I have recently decided that I have enough time on my hands to devote to writing {another love} 3 blogs! My love for fitness and my friends spurred The Cardio Junkies which is a fun little {hopefully} motivational read. I have another love too. Throwing parties. Hence, my third blog, A Small Town Soiree, meant to showcase all of my friends and my obsession with throwing fabulous parties...even in our mid-size town! Hope you enjoy!
i feel your pain! i feel like i am in a constant battle to keep things picked up around here and it just "aint happnin"!
i seriously almost posted the same exact topic this week. must be the fact we're confined to our houses.
lucky the little stinkers are so precious!
I totally wrote the exact same thing then I didn't post it! I was afraid of the judgement:-)! So sorry honey that you feel bonkers, I hope this week is less cluttery.
aww Nicki!! such a sweet and honest post, and such truth! thank you! one of these days we'll look back and miss the mess, ahhh! until then, hang in there and know you are NOT alone! :)
Love that song - I hadn't heard it/read the lyrics since I've had children, so of course it made my eyes mist! I get you about the mess. I wish my mess was as nice as yours!!! :) I am plagued with PAPER piles!
That is funny bc we stayed home ALL day yesterday and now Hollyn is sick so we are home ALL day again, I looked around and thought about taking pictures and blogging about the mess, but was too embarrassed!I have never even thought about the lyrics of that song since I had her, thanks for the sadness!
I just found an old book of ours with the Watercolor Ponies words- and I've had that song stuck in my head too. I'm glad I am not the only one who struggles with the mess, steps on dinosaurs, all the while trying to remember these days are short!
Love the bugs Tristan puts in your shoes to scare you and the men that he names...so funny! Gosh, they do grow up so fast and it's hard to remember to enjoy and cherish every moment.
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