Overall, my little lady is a gem. I am just deeply falling in love with her. When she is sleeping I often want to go get her and just cuddle and kiss her. She is such a sweet little thing. I thought she was going to be this quiet, meek child, but I am second guessing myself now that she is mobile and becoming vocal. I think she is going to be like Mug, but more active. I can't believe I am in the process of 1st Birthday plans. I can't believe how time flies. How this is potentially the last little tyke I will ever have. I am trying to grasp onto all the things, but as always, time is like sand.
9 and 3/4 stats: Weight: 17.3 pounds {40%}
Height: 27.5 inches {50%}
Head: 44.5 centimeters {50%}
Teeth: 4
she is gorgeous!!! I cannot believe she'll be 1 in two short months - seriously! Where does the time go???
She and Carter seem SO much alike to me! Even some of their expressions. :) She is a doll to be sure, and I think she looks like you more often than Brent.
little sweet REW...she is just a delight :) these pics are great!!!
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