Monday, June 22, 2009
Small Wonder (REW is 7 months)
Here she is! REW is a 7 monther! I simply cannot believe the words written on the screen! She is a precious mess! Simply divine and delightful! I could eat her up!
Cutest cheekers around! This little lady is so petite! Still, her cheeks seem to grow and grow! I think it is fun that I can still put her in some 3-6 month dresses! She just lights up a room with her beautiful, toothless grin! And sheesh her eyes are electric for sure!

A new nickname I have deemed her is "squirmy worm". Simply put. The child is going places. You honestly cannot hold her at all. She wants to wiggle right out of your arms onto the ground. The way I can get her still is to give her something to chew on. I have never seen anything like it. She hangs onto things, grabs, pulls, yanks, swings from, twists and turns. I think this one will be my out of control wild one in the active area.

REW can babble "dada". It is so cute. She just looks up at me and says "dadadada" and the she makes a "ba ba ba" sound smacking her lips. To die for. Mug says, "Reesey is so funny!"
She took a turn for the worst in the bath catergory. It used to be her favorite, but now that she can sit up, she HATES it. Bath has become very intense. She wants to lunge for everything and a couple of times she has thrown herself backwards into the water! So, my mom decided to put her in the sink with the bumbo and voila! Instant success!
REW and I are at a crossroads with breastfeeding. You guys know me. I LOVE breastfeeding. Nursed Mug for 14 months and the only reason I stopped is because I was pregnant with REW! However, REW is super super distracted if any other living creature is stirring anywhere else in the house. Imagine how much is stirring with a 2 year old bouncing around. Once she gets distracted, it is all over. I can't even go into a dark closet to regain her is lost! So, I guess this is what weaning looks like? Sniff. Sniff. I give her bottles of formula during the "distracted" feeds. She, of course, loves them. Especially since she can look out and take her time. My desire would be to nurse her for her first feed and last feed of the day. Anyone else out there ever done that? All my breastfeeding websites say it is possible! Tips or pointers are welcome.
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Kaleb was the EXACT same at 7 months. It broke my heart!! I wanted to nurse for a year so badly! I planned on nursing in the a.m and p.m however did not work for us. My milk supply basically diminished. I tried for 2 weeks nursing twice a day and then one day I realized that he wasn't getting much of anything. Good luck to you though!! Maybe if you continue to pump mid-day?
I went to 2 feedings a day at 7 months and it worked great for us! At 9 P just up and decided that he would have none of this breastfeeding thing anymore, but I was able to continue to pump till I went to whole at 11 months (although my supply really started to diminish then). I do think my supply would have kept up if I had pumped an extra feeding when I was at 2, but my body adjusted pretty well! 2 a day worked great for us, and he nursed REALLY well with only those 2!
Hey girly, first of all your little Reesey-poo is the cutest thing! Love all those sweet pictures. I am actually nursing the first and last feeding only with Tristan right now. It's great, I love it. But I think my milk may be going as sometimes at night I have to supplement for him to get enough. Not sure how long it will last but it's nice for now. :) A slow, wean has been easiest for this momma.
Email me your address. After nursing 4 babies all for a year or longer, I've been through just about EVERYTHING in the nursing category; mastitis, attemted early weaning, nursing strike, biting, etc. You name it, I've done it. I have some tips for you, but too many to write on this.
Carrie Young
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