Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Total Adoration

For about a month now, Uncle Casey had a plan to take Mug to a Baylor baseball game on his own. Mug has been chattering about it the whole month. Well, the big night came and look how excited and anamored this kid is with his Uncle, would ya?
I must give props to Uncle Casey for braving Mug all by himself. He has never taken care of a toddler before on his own. He chased him around a game he probably actually wanted to watch and got to see the joy that comes with getting to give a child a whole box of popcorn for dinner! Mug did not let it go unnoticed. He must have hugged him half a dozen times when he got home. My favorite line of the night was when he brought him back, he sat down on our couch and rubbed his eyes (talking about Uncle Casey here) and said, "ya'll must just be tired all the time." Welcome. to. the. chaos. I am sure this was plenty of birth control for quite some time.

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