Tuesday, May 05, 2009

14 days later...

A lot to catch up on! If you missed me, you can read these:
tough guy
she sleeps among my shoes
visiting the temple angels
total adoration

I am back from a short hiatus. I had sick kiddos. Thankfully not the swine flu! eeekk! Still, that led to weeks of tantrums and bad moods and sleepless nights. Mug turned the tables on us last week and decided that while REW was sleeping thru the night (hallelujah) he would be the one to wake up in her stead? What? Joking me right? Nope. Got up several nights and just cried and cried for hours.
Along with that shananagans, I have just needed a break. My life honestly felt out of control. I felt like Mug was getting the best of me. He has entered a moderate/advanced stage of the dreaded terrible two's. The tantrums are grander, the manipulation is more manipulative, the sass is at it's finest. Part of it was sickness, but another part was me needing to decide what my intentions were as a mother. Loving correction? Ok, let's work on it then. So, this past week, I have had to pray for an overload of patience and wisdom. I think we have come over a huge hump in terms of this time. You just always have to be a couple steps ahead of these little people, don't you?
I also have been in a spiritual re-construction time. I need it. The Lord is guiding me thru some painful realizations about myself and things I need to move away from in my life, which is always a hard thing to do. Anyway, that's my story!


SuperMom said...

Hey, Nic!

Hang in there! You are absolutely at one of the toughest stages of life, and you're looking at that for the next few years (I know, encouraging, right?) But you will make it!

This is why we mommies must stick together--through good times and bad--because there are so many moments I wanted to hand the TV remote to my kids, jump in the car, and just GO.

Transitioning from one child to two, and (in my case) two to three is harder than anyone lets on. I LOVE hearing my sister say, "You were right...this IS hard!" as she deals with her new little one.

It is hard. Sometimes it sucks. But mostly, it's a ride worth taking.

Angie said...

Oh my goodness! I am glad to hear I am not the only one dealing with the terrible two's...OH WAIT- my kid is three and still dealing with it! The hardest part for me is that Luke ALWAYS gets in trouble. I don't want him to feel like that's all there is to life, but he has to have boundaries...
I have heard that it gets better when they are 5. Hope that makes you feel better. ha ha ha!

Robyn said...

Oh sweet Nicki! I am glad you are back...but sorry things have been so tough lately. I pray for a renewed sense of encouragement and grace for you to be in this time. I hope you take time to see all that you are doing right and all that is wonderful about your heart as a mom and wife...and don't just focus on what seem to be the areas you feel lacking in. Also, I pray you will just feel the love of God for you and His presence with you as you are on this mothering journey.

angie said...

So sorry the kids have been sick! Oh the stages they go through... Every time I sigh a deep breath of sweet relief that things are running smoothly someone decides to go into another stage-growing, testing boundries, defiance, sleep patterns, schedules and just overall parenting can be exhausting! Hang in there and stay on your knees:-)