Friday, April 17, 2009

Well Children

As I was running out the door (quite literally) trying to get to their well-child check-ups, I forgot my camera! Seems that is always the case when I want to capture their visits to the dr.! At any rate, we made it there just in time not to get poured on! Both kids were super duper well behaved the whole time! Even Reese despite her missing her nap #1...she just sat there and cooed for the hour and 20 minutes! That is no surprise though with her easy going attitude. Mug is the one I was worried about! I kept telling him to be mommy's big boy and not to do somersaults on the dirty floor, touch the trash, jump off of Dr. NeNe's chairs, etc. He mostly complied. With a little bribery in the form of a doughnut afterwards! Mug 2 year check-up stats and percentiles:
Height: 36.5 inches (90%)--he grew a whopping 4 inches in 6 months!
Weight: 27 pounds (25%)--still my skinny man, but gained 3.5 pounds in 6 months!
Head: 50.5 centimeters (90%)
Looks like he is going to be built just like his daddy!

(Pic taken about 20 minutes after REW's shots)

REW's 4 month (she will actually be 5 months on Tuesday, I was just late getting her shots) stats and percentiles:
Height: 24 3/4 inches (50%)
Weight: 13.6 pounds (25%)
Head: 41 centimeters (50%)

I was shocked at how little she weighed. Her extremeties are so plump, but I guess they look that way on her petite frame! She cried only 90 seconds after her shots! GO REW! She has a high pain tolerance! She also rolled all the way over from her back to front today for the first time!! Both kiddos got good reports, so I am thankful.

On another note: THANK YOU all for you super sweet encouragement about the sleep stuff. I am so so so glad to know I am not alone! Good news is that we have not had an up all night-night again this week! REW slept from 12:30-5 the past couple of nights, so that is an improvement I can handle! I felt so refreshed the past 2 mornings with 6 fragmented hours of sleep! How funny is that? HA! Hope all of you are doing well and Happy Friday to you!


Melissa said...

Yay for good reports and sleep! It's amazing how a few hours together makes such a difference when you've had so little! :)

Sally said...

YAY! great news about Reese sleeping better, what an answer to prayer for you i know. :)

Anonymous said...

Yea for better sleep!

Angie said...

looking good! i love it when the shots are behind u!

Kimberly said...

i've been thinking about your trip to the doc alone today. so glad both tots behaved and are healthy. praise God!

Laura said...

Yay for more sleep. And thank you so much for your sweet, encouraging words. It's so nice to hear someone has been through this stuff before (and survived :-) I can't believe sweet Tristan got ALL FOUR molars at one time. That's just not fair...poor baby (and poor you!) I hope you don't mind that I linked your post on my blog. It was just such a great post...I wanted to share with other mommies. I'm glad my "stalking" is out in the open...I'll add you to my blog roll :-)

Jill said...

We went to Dr. Nesmith for a well check today too! We were there at 9:00. What time were you? Hollyn looks soo chuncky also, but today she didn't even weigh 20 lbs. She weighs less now than she did at 9 months!

Crystal said...

HI sweet friend. Just checking in on you. Your babies are GORGEOUS!!!

laura said...

such cute kids.
question for you-
do you nurse on a schedule or on demand? with my first baby, i tried to stick to a tight schedule and i don't know how great that actually was in the end. just wondered how you did it and if you had any thoughts.

Nicki W. said...

i do not nurse so much on a timed schedule, but I try to follow a pattern. i let them nurse, play and sleep, repeat. it almost always comes out to where i nurse every 3-4 hours. it has always worked for me though :)