My precious little darling mini-me, the laid back one. The polite one. The go-with-the-flow one. The sweet as pie one. The doesn't-sleep-thru-the-night-no-not-even-close-one. You are a stinker. Last night, I think I got about 3 combined hours of sleep. 3. The thing about REW is, she wakes up if her pacifier falls out...which is a lot. When she wakes, she goes back to sleep really easy most of the time, but man, she wakes up a lot! I would venture to say 5-6 times and one of those is to eat (still). There, I confessed it. I still nurse her to sleep at least once. When we were in NYC, we unswaddled her and let her sleep in a pack and play. She slept 8 hours straight! When we got home, we moved her to her own bed without a swaddle, and she happened to get a horrible cough the same night. It was OK, we were getting about 4 hours un-interrupted. Until last night. She was up. all. night. long. Now, sweet Brent, had a gashed out eye with fresh stitches (that is a whole nutha story) is getting up to put the paci back in the mouth. At 9:45, 11, 1, 2:15, 3, 5:45. And on top of that, Mug has 2 nightmares and needs to be "rocked" to sleep. Really? And in the midst of it all, I fed Reese at least twice somewhere in there. I wanted to go out in the backyard in the wee hours of the morning and scream at the top of my lungs. All of this is super magnified by the fact that I am already quite a bit sleep deprived. I do not function well on this amount of shanangans.
So, my dears, those of you who have all had children who never slept. Those who are in my position currently, I relate, I empathize, I understand and most importantly, I will no longer judge anyone else's choices! This morning the Lord kept reminding me that he makes us all special and different. He makes our little gifts that are children each to have their own little ways about them. And He went further to remind me that I am still a woman living in the flesh. A selfish one. I am worried about my sleep, my missing a workout, my schedule. Me, me, me. If this is the biggest problem I have, I seem to have it good right now. Some people would kill to have a non-sleeping baby to hold in the next room. Or to have a HEALTHY child wake up from a nightmare that actually ends. All I can do is pray that God would give me more wisdom, wisdom wisdom! Less of me and more of Him!!
Today I kept Mug home from school so he could catch up on much needed rest. I did things he really wanted to do. I sat and held my Nic Jr. and sang "Single Ladies" to her and she burst into laughter. I remembered why I chose to do this. It is harder to remember with as little sleep as I have had, but I remembered thru the fog! Brent called and said he heard the song "It won't be like this for long" (playing on my playlist) and to cherish the sleepless nights as much as we could. So, here's to many more of those to come....I am sure they will be plenty.
Doesn't that song always seem to come on at the perfect when you have a tired, cranky toddler in the back seat this afternoon! Beleive me, we all feel for you, and I have definitely been there...still there sometimes! Let me know if I can ever help you out!!
Thank you for that post!
Brady is almost 8 months old and still wakes up to eat. I have tried every single trick. I mean every single one! None work with him.
So, don't feel alone. When you are up in the middle of the night, I probably am too!
Last night I had JUST gotten Brady back to sleep when Luke woke up crying. He had a dream that he lost batman & robin and was crying like crazy! Oh my my my!
Oh honey, I'm with ya. I offer no hope, Allan slept through the night at 7 weeks too, Audrey at 13 months still gets up every single night! Last night I fed her but she was ready for a party, so my strong willed girl cried for almost an hour before getting back to sleep. I am thankful that Allan is a very hard sleeper!
Girl, I can so relate. When people used to talk about their kids not sleeping thru the night I had the gall to think "I wonder what they're doing wrong" in my head...never aloud. God has humbled me as well, b/c although Reid was JUST like Tristan at 7 weeks I now know that is so not typical or normal. REW and Caroline are more the norm...and we are humbled with our little beauties!
You know I am right there with you!! James slept thru the night at 8 weeks and I'm still feeding Jack about twice a night. Actually, I can't even say that, because it's always different! You never know what you're going to get with Jack's sleeping at night!
I think two is a whole different ballgame. It has made me more humbled as well, and my prayer life is much stronger!!
thank you dear friend for keeping it so real. call me in the wee hours, chances are I am up these days. And I am eating words myself- Keller is a champ sleeper, napper you name it awesome when it comes to sleep. Graham is seeming to be please hold me never let me go whatever you do kind of sleeper. yikes. living in the fog is trying but we too are trying to be present in these days because to do fade away quickly.
seeing that i've only had about four months of sleep with my two & a half year old, send Reese over here when you need a break. i guess i need not to get too used to sleeping all night- and when i say all night, i mean, from 8:30 pm to 6:30 am- because in a few months, it'll be up again & you know i can't make the littles cry it out!
i love you and i'll be praying reese gets the hang of things or she can start putting her binkie back in her mouth!
Oh Sister....I feel your pain! Mine have passed around the stomach virus and now Payton has an ear infection and thrush all over her mouth. We are doing a lot of holding and snuggling! Thanks for reminding me to cherish it!
The older I get the more God seems to tell me not to be so dogmatic about things. But the older I get the more dogmatic I am.
You don't know how bad I needed that today! I have been on the verge of tears for 3 weeks now b/c of how sleep deprived I am! She is screaming right now at my feet b/c she WON'T SLEEP! It is only sleep after all and since that is the biggest problem we have been facing all year- I really just need to get over it! Thanks!
Bravo, sister!
I look back at some of my first blog entries and realize that I was trying to "sound perfect" for my readers. There was a specific post that freed me from that, and I've written honestly ever since then. You know what? My most popular posts have been those that shared the not-so-neat aspects of my life....there is nothing, NOTHING, as humbling as motherhood. And the transition from one to two, or two to three, kids is an overnight tutorial in "dying to self." Hang in there. This too shall pass....
I am currently trying to figure out some sort of device to strap that paci to their little faces to keep it there all night!
James wakes for a paci on a good night at least 2 times sometimes much more and then Adalie (my good sleeper from week 6 on) has suddenly started waking for all kinds of reasons. No one told me that when you potty train them that they could start waking in the middle of the night to go pee. Even though she has a diaper on she will wake up and want to go pee. Grrr! I want to tell her to just go in her diaper but I know that doesn't get us anywhere.
All that being said...I feel ya! Learning as we go! But thankful to learn from fellow bloggers or at least get some encouragement that we're not alone in the wee small hours of the morning!
...and yet you can still write understandable sentences for a blog post! :) I do not miss those sleepless nights, and I'm going to be facing them again in less than 3 months. God bless ya. It just about kills me, but it's so nice to be reminded that we are not along in this mothering thing. It wasn't until Baby #2 that I finally started to be less selfish. Wow - God even uses these little blessings to make us more like Him.
I'm right with you! Carter is 7 months and some nights are good, and some nights (like the last 3) we're up 4 or 5 times. It's getting OLD! All of my boys have been different as far as what worked and what didn't (or even what I was willing to try), but boy am I hoping he gets the sleeping bug soon!
Nikki - One paci trick that was GENIUS for us is to put a blanket through the loop in the paci (we buy the Avent ones from Babies R Us). That way, it can't fall out of the bed. Beware of the blanket with her being so small but especially in the car - the blanket is our "fishing pole" for the paci. Ace can throw it all over and we an locate it because of the blanket. Just a thought.
-A non-authority Mommy =)Kelly Evans
yes lets talk, maybe 3 in the am? i am really free and awake then:) are you doing the new dancy kickbox class at the Y? I saw the flyers for it, sounds fun and I think you we be awesome at it! love you!
Bless your heart! It's hard. All of it. hard, hard, hard. You keep asking God for wisdom and He'll keep giving it. As for the sleep. It just sucks to not get it. :) No judegement here. I nursed Hudson in the middle of the night till he was well past one... just do what you gotta do to get to go back to sleep!!
Girl, There is nothing like being sleep-deprived. It is just hard. From reading the comments, looks like we are all doing the same thing :)You are not alone! Can't wait to start meeting again on Tuesday.
Oh sweet girl, I can promise you that I feel your pain. Ryan=awesome sleeper, Ally=NOT! I would get so frusturated because we tried EVERYTHING but that child just wanted to be held by her momma:-) I can tell you that it was not permanent and that at 15 months...yep, 15 months! she finally started sleeping all night and has never looked back! These beautiful children are so humbling, and SO unique. Just know that you are a fantastic mother and that you are not alone!!! Remember He knows:-)
love that makes me tear up. and you are doing a fabulous job! even if you don't have all the answers (who does?!!?) i know you will have good advice for people like me in a few months!
Hi Nikki,
It's Laura Berg (now Krauss :-) from Baylor. I figured now was a good time to let you know that I love "stalking" your blog and reading about your beautiful family. This post was so great for me to read this week. My 12 month old daughter, Caroline (who is usually a great sleeper) has been getting her top molars this week on top of being sick with 103 degree temp. There has been NO sleep around here and it's been quite discouraging/exhausting. I love this post and might put a link to it on my blog if you don't mind :-) Thanks for your words!
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