Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Look Who Showed Up at My Door!

Yep, BOB. That's Mr. BOB Duallie to you. Isn't he so dashing? The new man in my life has arrived. Hopefully, he will make my life easier. He is so light and fit. I love him already, ya'll! I took him out tonight with Mug and REW. They both approve. Mug likes the little mesh cup holders on the side. Hopefully, they will both take to him long enough for me to get in a few miles! Do ya'll remember when you took your baby on a jog in a jogger? I think I took mug at 3 months, but I don't want to be unsafe, so please let me know!
Ooh, BOB--you are so shiny, so cool! Isn't this a glamour shot of the Mug and me? We are just giddy giddy!
If ya'll are wondering about the baby weight loss and how it is going, it is...going. Not too fast, but I am fairly pleased with the progress. It has been lots of hard work of teaching class and running a 5K 3 times a week along with circuit training. The scale is still a little daunting, but the good news is I can button all of my old pants!! However, ladies, that does not mean we should be wearing all of the pants now does it? I think when I start dropping feedings, I will shed all of it. Breastfeeding keeps me curvy! I'll keep you posted (not that you care)!
If you are wondering why I have been a naughty blogger, it is because I am trying to plan for the big #2 for my baby boy. I can't wait to share the pics with all of you! A cowboy birthday complete with pony rides! Woohoo!
Oh and please visit my revival blog and get excited about what God is going to do here!
Gotta run!


Kimberly said...

Girl... let's not rub in our weight loss from your work out routine! Some of us are too lazy, sick and tired to get up and join you!

You do look great, though!

And we can't wait for Mug's birthday. Let me know what I can do to help!

Audrey T said...

Hi, Nikki. Our jogger reclines flat, so I started running with Sam as soon as I could (I think 6 weeks). Have fun with your new man! You are looking amazing as usual.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the BOB!! I'm so happy that you got one- they are awesome!!

Jaime said...

YAY! I love mine...Bob is seriously the best. ;) I took Reid in the jogger starting at 4 months. I haven't transitioned Caroline to the big girl seat yet, but I plan on doing it in the next month perhaps. SO fun!!!!

Alison said...

Wow! I am scrapping together my pennies for one someday! Love the yellow!

Kimberly said...

I'm so jealous of your motivation and your BOB!
I am also encouraged to hear that I am not the only one who's weight is only SLOWLY coming off. It came off much faster with Adalie but this time since I'm breastfeeding I hoped it would melt off (or at least come off some) and I'm diappointed everytime I get on the scale.
Owell...guess it will take more work and more time but its worth it.

lauren said...

I let Jack get in our stroller at about a 45 degree angle, strapped in tight with a blanket around him, and he loved it.

Christy said...

I am so excited you got the BOB! You will love it. I started Jayden in the stroller and 2.5 - 3 months. The reclining helps for when they are young. I know that they have adapters that allow you to put the car seat into it (i think they may be a bit expensive) but if so you could probably do it a lot earlier.

Sally said...

uhhh, hello! so impressed with your weight loss you cute thang! you are such an inspiration, seriously!!!
and at first i was like...uh, what is a BOB? a blow up man to have in the house when Brent is away to scare off intruders or something??? HA HA! :)