Thursday, January 08, 2009

Pooping in the Potty, The Bear Cave and Baby Acne (in no particular order)

There is just no clever way to title this post. It is what it is. So much going on in my little nugget's worlds! First, why is Mug's mouth full of sweet tarts? Because he is pooping and peeing in the potty!! It all started this weekend, without any prompting! He tells us to leave the room and goes and sits on his potty in private! We went to check and voila! A #1 and #2! He has been doing this several times this week. I never imagined how much attention PTing takes. You have to constantly ask them if they need to go! And you better be ready when they need to go! We are so proud! I would have posted the pic of the actual poop, but I thought you may not be as proud as me! And in other news...Reesey piecey has started puberty super early. Poor girl has THE WORST baby acne I have ever seen. It is really really bad. There is no soft spot on her sweet face. This is a new thing for me, everything I read says just ride it out. Other than her acne, she is doing so so so good! Sleeps through the night! Still very polite, but it is time to start working on naps already because she wants to stay up during the day.

Here is the newest thing. Imagination play. I LOVE it! Mug has 2 Baylor bears, Joy and Dugat. When he wakes from his naps, he says, "my bears need a snack."
Then, Joy is "crying" because she needs a "fresh one"...yep, he is talking about a fresh diaper.

And it's into the bear cave! I find many many interesting things in the bear cave, let me just say. Dried playdough, hats, diapers--ones he takes off the bears after they "poop".

inside the cave...
So fun! I love this new imagination thing. I wish I could video all of it to remember later!


Audrey T said...

So who named those bears? Tristan? I hope he doesn't hide Reese in the bear cave any time soon.

The Johnstons said...

Changing bear diapers...too, too cute!! What a fun age when the imagination really gets going!

Sally said...

Nicki - please share your potty training secrets with me!! jackson has no interest right now - ahhhh!
and we have done m&ms...sweetarts sound good too tho. :)

Jill said...

Did you say SLEEPING THRU THE NIGHT????? I couldn't concentrate on anything else in your blog. WE STILL ARE NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kylie said...

Do not despair! Avery had TERRIBLE baby acne. It did eventually go away on it's own and she has perfect little baby skin now! But I know it feels sad for your pretty baby girl right now :) she is SO pretty. Congrats on the sleep-- Praise the Lord for second babies who sleep!

kinsey said...

oh i bet yall's days are just so fun! sorry about the acne :-( she still looks super sweet and of course so beautiful!!

Ashley McWhorter said...

Try hydrocortisone creme for the baby acne. It works WONDERS!!!!!

Kelly said...

Yeah for going in the potty!!! Sometimes yes, it's time consuing, but SO SO worth it in the end!! Atleast get one out of diapers. And he's still not even 2 yet!! I didn't start with Hannah until 2yrs8mos, absolutley no interest until then, then one day she decided she was ready. Much easier that way! Yeah for yall!

Oh and sleeping through the night...go Reese!!!!!! So hoping that baby #3 will be a super good sleeper!

Jaime said...

Caroline had HORRIBLE baby acne and now we've progressed to cradle cap, BUT she's so adorable still and that pesky acne cleared up! Congrats on the exciting pottying...I wish!

Kimberly said...

Good job Mug! CDP is going pee-pee in his little potty, but hasn't mastered the poo poo. One day maybe he'll be at your house and watch Mug and be so impressed he'll want to copy!

I do love the imagination too. However, ours always contains some baby- usually Sawyer, Lucy Beth or Reese. Last Monday after you kept Creighton, he "talked to and carried" Baby Weese around all day. She even got to rock in his chair. It's too cute when they pretend.