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Mug and Mommy Date
Clearly, I am still here. There have been rumors circulating that I had Reese already. To my dismay, those rumors are false. We are just playing the waiting game, folks! In the meantime, I have been spending lots o' quality time with this guy...
For as long as I can remember entertaining the thought of having children, I have also entertained the thought of letting them skip school once a year for a "Mommy and Me day". I feel will be good for their emotional health and wellness. HeeHee. I know, I am a dork. Today, I used Mug's week old runny nose and cough as an excuse to stay home from "school" (MDO) and pick a couple of date destinations for just the two of us! His options were: 1. Barnes and Noble to play with the Thomas Train and read2. Bear Pit visit to see Joy and Lady3. Play basketball in the kid's gym at the Y4. Go to the parkHe picked "bons and nubba" for the "choo choo twain". I was rather surprised at his choice, but delighted all the same. We headed on down to B&N--much later than I wanted to get there. Does it take anyone else FOREVER to coax your kiddos into getting dressed, etc.? I can't imagine having to fix hair or a pony tail! Ahhh! Anywho, we played on the train and looked at some books and to our delight it was storytime day! Usually story time at B&N is pretty bogus, but today was good. They had snacks. Double bonus. Mug would repeat everything the reader would say. I was beaming, other mommies gave me questionable looks. Look, ladies, I cannot help that my child like to speak, chill out! After the reading time ended, I thought we should have activity #2.
That's when Mug said he wanted to play basketball with daddy. Ooops, sorry kiddo. Daddy I am not. Especially not now. I HAVE a basketball in my tummy though! I took him up to the kid's gym and shot some hoops and showed off all of my B-team skills. I chased balls. He ordered me around basically. Told me where and when to shoot. Can you imagine what our team must have looked like? Me neither. I am sure the Y staff was giggling to themselves.
Then, off to the place we go way way way too often. Chick-fil-A. Mug's favorite place. Daddy got to come be a part of this action! After a huge lunch, Mug wanted to play on the slide. It always lasts about 10 minutes and then the attitude starts. The tiredness sets in and it is time to go!
Here are me and the darling. Yes, his nose is totally scraped up and there are boogers, so don't click too close!
Such a fun date! Even though I am totally exhausted most hours of the day, I needed this time to cherish him before my other peanut enters this world. Sometimes skipping school is totally worth it!
I've been checking wondering if she was here! Such a fun day with your little boy.
so fun. what a cute mommy you are!
such a fun date! glad you have these last few weeks (or days!) to cherish the time with tristan, so sweet!
what a fun day! i'm jealous ;-) and i LOVE that you were shooting baskets with him...i'm surprised that didn't wake reese up and make her want to join yall!
Wow! You got a lot done before lunch! Do you feel like a celeb... being rumored about and all?
Well just so you know, I started it.
I admit, I thought since we didn't see any blog action from you over the weekend it meant Reese was here. Kelly set me straight though. Looks like you and Tristan had a great day!
what a fun day with your Mug!!! i agree, days home when you're not really sick are a MUST!!! you're such a creative one :).
Sounds like you guys had a great day! I am glad to hear you have to try to jump through hoops to get your kid dressed too. I just wish they would understand how much easier things would be if they would just cooperate sometimes...
I am glad you guys are spending these last few days together before your "only" becomes a BIG BROTHER!!!
what a fun day! praying for the perfect day for your baby girl to enter the world!
I think skipping school for some Mommy time is a great idea! You look fabulous! Especially for being so close to the end. So glad you got to spend a special day with your little Mug!
This is so sweet...what a fun day! I miss seing you every day at work but it looks like you're having a lot more fun now! Hmmm...what do you do when you stay at home???LOL:) Love, Mandy
You inspire me!!
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