Jesus Christ. Without Him, all of this would mean nothing.
My family. Love you all so much. Truly don't know where I would be without each of you. Mom, Dad, Pam, Steve, Brad, Kendra, Colton, Kenley, Brittany, Casey and Kim (and everyone in between). You all are precious. I love my new sister-in-law, Kim and what she brings to the family--you are hilarious and I love you! Thanks for the sweet potato casserole--you really brought your A-game to the table, literally!!! Biss, you are such a fun aunt! I love that you rush over as soon as you get into town and love on Mug. You are exactly what I picture an auntie to be!! Kendra, what can I say? I love you more and more every day as a friend. Glad we can share all of these moments together. Uncle Brad and Uncle Casey, you guys rock!! I love sharing all of our sporting events together! Mom, Dad, Pam and Steve, all I can say is I love you. You mean the world to me!!!
Brent. My best friend. My earthly comforter. My laughter source! My money source too (wink, wink, grin)! He is a better helper than anyone could ever imagine and leads our family with grace. I love him.
Tristan. My little man. Full of words and charm. The biggest vocab in a little body. The cuddler. The singer who knows so many songs and carries the sweetest tune! My little secret teller. My shirt puller. My baylor bear cub. I love who you are. Reese. My new lady. I have only just met you, but I love you so. I already see little glimpses of your personality that make me smile. And even though you are only awake 2 hours out of the day, I love the way you sleep. And poop. You are beautiful, baby girl. I am so thankful for your presence.
Friends. Oh my goodness, I love you all to pieces. I think you know me better than I do--some of you. I cherish EACH and EVERY conversation, complaint, praise, cry and especially laughter. How did I get so blessed in this department?
My church. I love you, church body. Some of you are people I look up to. You all teach me how to be a Godly mother and wife. Though, I stumble too often, I appreciate the encouragement I get from all of you.
Ok, you see. I could go on and on. Lucky for you all, I have to go feed one and bath another! I will stop boring you. I am thankful for you all too! I love everyone's life stories. How great that we can all share in the journey together. Blessings and love to everyone!
1 comment:
She is so beautiful! I am so happy for you guys! :) Blessings!
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