Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Mama Drama

I am putting Tristan in MDO. After months of deliberation, I decided to do it. I do not really need it at all. I am blessed with a mom and a MIL who watch T half a day a week each! However, by the time he is actually in the program, he will be 18 months, which I think will be a good time for him to socialize. Although he gets much more social time than I do these days. It will be good structure time for him. The BEST part is that he will be in class with his BFF-Creighton, his favorite cuddy-Colton AND his two twin pals-Hayden and Haylee! I think they will all have a ball. Here is the story as I recollect (please add in a dramatic tone):
Signing up for MDO was just as I suspected: crazy, competitive. I planned to go early to reserve my spot. This particular MDO does not require a crack of dawn line, but a few minutes so I hear. Well, of course we were leaving town that same day and I decided, in Nicki fashion, that it would be a great idea to teach my kickboxing class, get my oil changed and car washed AND go home and take a shower and pack and still make it to the registration early. Wrong. Late as usual. I get a text from Kimberly stating, "line is getting long. doors open." In my car not far away, my pulse races and I begin to sweat. Almost there. I plow out of my car and see mommies running in pulling their kids by the shirt collar. "C'mon kid!" they seem to portray. Pulse is quickening. I actually feel myself racing these women who are trying to get in. And I am winning. I turn the corner and see the line. Getting longer by the second. I walk in as Kimberly is leaving. "We are in Colton's class!" I start to panic. What if we do not get in their class? I look around and it is sheer panic and people are trying to fill out registration papers. The line is looping. A-HA! I have the upper hand! My kick-a sis-in-law Kendra has already gotten me the papers and I am ready to roll. I am now about the fourth in line and things are looking good. But wait--there is a mommy in front of me filling out her papers IN LINE! No she didn't. I felt my blood start to boil. Calm, Nic. This is no big thing. I breath and gain composure. I am third in line. Finally, I get my chance and they tell me Tristan is on the young side of the one class (the one we want) and the older side of another. I find myself blurting out, "But his best friend is in that class....and...and his cousin so he will be fine in the older class!" My desperate plea worked. He was in. No waiting list or anything.
As I left I began thinking about the future. When Tristan is not in class with his friends in school. When we don't get our way. It will happen. Will it break my heart? I really want him to have a wonderful time at MDO. My heart is pure in that. I want it to be for him, because I do not even need it. I hope that I will always be able to recognize as a mother when I am doing things for him or out of selfishness. Funny how much I love him. I think this move will be a good one. On to something new. My baby is getting older.


SuperMom said...

Our current group is continuing our own "version" of Bible study for the summer, but it's not an official Highland group. We are looking to see what dates during the summer we can meet, and will hopefully hire a sitter on-site for the kids. That's about all I know right now....we're still in the planning stages, I guess you could say. In the fall, WOH will be offering Beth Moore's, Believing God and I can't wait to do that study for the second time! It will begin sometime in September. Hope this info is helpful....let me know if you have any other questions.

SuperMom said...

Just realized that my comment made it sound like our group is exclusive...it's not. I just don't know when, where or how we're meeting just yet. I'll let you know when I get more concrete information, if you're interested in joining. I'm pretty sure we will continue meeting on Monday mornings, as we are currently doing.

walkers said...

cute story nic! you are a fab mama! i hope it is an awesome experience for the little dude!

S, J, B, & S said...

Yay for MDO!!! Blake LOVES his MDO class ... and even when I don't want to take him b/c I have nothing going on, I know he loves it, so I take him anyway. He really has learned so much there and the socialization and structure are great. You will be so glad you signed him up. And what a BONUS that he's in class with all his little buddies!!

Kesleigh Castle said...

Hey Nic! We are also at FBW MDO. Clayton was in this year and will be next. We've liked it. Check out my new blog... www.kescastle.blogspot.com See ya

Rose said...

That is great! Tristan will love it! Wish we could be there too!