Thursday, February 07, 2008

My 11 (for 6 more days) Month Old

“He who pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor.” Proverbs 21:21

Shame, shame, you know my name! I am sad to be getting this out just shy of Tristan's first birthday! However, I must do it for the record and plus this month has been a joy to experience!!

I cannot believe the majority of my day is spent pondering the first birthday party. All the planning has deterred my thinking from the fact that almost one year ago I peered into my little tiny baby's eyes as we met for the first time! He is a big boy now! Almost a toddler. Wow. Still amazed at where the time has gone. Wish I could freeze it sometimes.

Tristan has an extensive vocabulary. Wow. He amazes me. I can literally repeat something 10 times and he will say it back. Now whether or not he understands what he is doing I am not certain. But watch what you say around this tot. He is going to be a parrot of sorts! Some of his favorite words, "Ball", "Dog", "Belly Button" and Vacuum"--yes, folks, he says vacuum! He has perfected the art of charm to a tee. He is a ladies man all the way. His grin will melt you and he has a precious little voice to match. Ahhh...the kid just gets to me! Sometimes I look at him and cannot believe he is so cute! I will add, however, that he already throws full on tantrums. Throws the head back, arches the back, screams as if you are breaking his arm. This is his favorite thing to do when I put him in the carseat. He loves to make the surrounding people contemplate calling CPS on me. I think it is his funny little game. What a hand full! He also squeals when he does not get his way. Anything from walking him in the wrong direction to wanting to get back in the bath. You just never know, but I do know I have an independent, strong willed, free spirit of a kiddo. And I would not have it any other way!

He is still in love with dogs, which will be the theme of his birthday party next weekend. This month was a sad one for us though, as we lost our beloved Emmitt. Tristan carries a little picture of him in his firetruck and will often take it out, look at it, look at me and say, "daaaag!" and put it back in the truck. So sad!

We went skiing last week and took Tristan on his first plane ride...what a joy! He was so sweet the entire time. He slept and would wake up for the landing! I was so relieved! He also did so well on vacation...he was an angel. I was thoroughly impressed with his ability to maintain a schedule! That's my boy! When we got home I decided I would start training him not to be walked to sleep, rather to try to do it on his own. It has been pretty successful though he still would prefer no nap at all!

Looking back at these past 11 months has been full of smiles, surprises, tears and laughter. Sometimes I wonder who I was before Tristan. Before I was Tristan's mommy. I am so honored that God hand picked us to be together for this time in my life. He made him so similarly to Brent and me and I treasure all of his qualities. I can't wait to see what is to come....


Kimberly said...

We love Tristan and can't wait for his birthday in SIX days, which still seems so strange to me!

Precious pics.

Melissa said...

Very sweet post. I think that he has changed the most physically in this last month. He is such a doll. I'm also very impressed with his vocab. Smart boy! :) Enjoy his first birthday! It's definitely one to remember. :)

Anonymous said...

I guess I don't see the brat side of his personality! (Not)
Seriously he is quite the piece of work. I could not imagine a more perfect Grandson. (biased)
It is amazing to me how when I am around him it brings back memories of his mother.
I look forward to his first B-Day.


Page said...

He looks so GROWN UP in that first pic...and so much like you! So cute! Happy (almost) 1st birthday to Tristan.