Why didn't you tell me there would be a crazy Mug trying to steal my covers in the bed?

I liked my peanut butter and ritz crackers...and Nic Nic let me put some peanut butter on a chocolate chip cookie...she told me not to tell...OOPS!

I had fun, but I wanted to call my dad and tell him about the crazy Little that kept pulling me on the ground with him! Oh and about the "CHOO CHOO!" that I kept hearing outside the window!
Nic Nic said to come back anytime I wanted to and that she loves me so!
Creighter Bug
I LOVE the peanut butter pictures! Infact, I copied them into my picture folder. Thank you so much for taking care of Creighton. I look forward to the days we can switch off boys and let them spend the day together.
I'm so impressed and blessed,
i look forward to those days as well. please let me actually SEND you those pictures!
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