Sunday, September 23, 2007

My 7 Month Old

Proverbs 17:6 "Children's children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children."

To my dismay, I realize how late this update is. I feel there is so much to write about this turning point. So much has happened this month, it makes it hard to sit down and recall.

We moved out of our first house into another one. Out of the home we brought our beloved to for the first time. It was really bitter sweet for me. I tried to set up his new room with some sort of familiarity. The changing table looks out the window, overlooking dozens of beautiful oaks. Then, it hit me that it is not as much familiar for Tristan as it is for me! I cherish the memories I made with my little at 3322 Maple Avenue.

Tristan is so endearing. His smile is captivating. His hair like a mad scientist. He is sitting up, rolling all around the house. I am greatly anticipating his first real crawl. He has a nice backwards stroke. He gets so frustrated that he can't put the pieces together! He knows he wants to get there, just not 100% how yet.

He went to his first Baylor game, but it was a late one, so it was short lived. We made it to the 2nd quarter and we (Tristan and I) had to go. Still, it was fun to see him there after awaiting him last season. I was pretty sentimental about the whole thing. Our little man finally joining our favorite events. A family.

Tristan also had his first ear infection. And to his credit, he really was not in that bad of a mood. I knew he was not himself. He cried all night one night, something he has never done, except while in the hospital after birth. So, we are getting over that currently.

He is waving "bye-bye", when he does it, he beems with joy! He puts his whole body into it with a smile! Melt! He also says, "mama" and lunges for me. It makes me giggle, but also makes me realize what is to come with that. It is hard to leave him nowadays. I can hardly be behind a door without a cry. Let's just say it is a blessing for me to get a shower and put on makeup. Forget about cleaning house!

All and all, I am just baffled to say I have a 7 month old. I know I will feel that way from here on out, but for some reason, 7 months seems different to me. Not so much baby days anymore. I look at him and think how quickly he is learning. How he is recognizing how things operate. He knows certain people well. He figures things out. Wow. He is growing up so fast. And what a blessing. My love. God has given us so so so much. I can't grasp the depths of His love for us...I can't grasp the love I have for one child. The Lord is a wonderful Savior and I am thankful He has given us this glimpse.


laura said...

He is getting so big, and even cuter than before (if that is possible! :) I love reading about what you have learned and experienced being a mom--it is truly beautiful. I praise God with you for your precious gift in Tristan!

Kimberly said...

God is so good!

I hope we don't continue to let life get in the way of making time to get together. Creighton wants to spend time with Tristan and I want to spend time with your family.

Long live AMP/VA Super Club! Benjie said at your house tomorrow-- is that right?

Nicki W. said...

news to me, BUT i am delighted to have everyone!! i am excited!!!

MDM said...

I remember when my 10 year old was 7 mo. like it was yesterday. There is just nothing like the first. It is different...extra special. You are a wonderful mother to an adorable little boy. Keep cherishing every moment. I honestly love my girls more with each passing day!

Melissa said...

He looks like such a boy, and so little like a baby all of a sudden! God truly is good in the gifts He bestows upon us!

Adrielle said...

What a cutie!! We shared in a Baylor game experience, too. It gets even better as they get older. Skyler said, "Mommy, we go to the Baylor Bear practice?" Too cute! Hey, I also need to tell you that you are being tagged. Go to my blog to see what that means. Hugs!! I miss seeing you!