Sunday, May 15, 2005

Familiar Family Feelings

This is the longest I have ever spent without Brent. Well, it is coming up on being the longest time without him He does go on his annual fishing trip to Colorado with his buddies, I think he is gone for a week then, but this feels longer. He is in Morocco, he can't talk and his emails are rather swift, "things are great, I have great stories, tell you all about them...when I return." Boo. I want to hear them nooow!! So in leau of my loneliness, I spent the weekend with my parents. Loaded up the Pugs and headed home. I had really good time. There is always something so comforting about going home to Mom and Dad's. Everything is just so familiar. I love the way nothing changes. In my case, it was the fact that my wonderful parents never seem to have toilet paper in stock. It's like you eat wonderful food, sleep in the good ol' trusty bed, look thru your old high school pictures, and just know you will have to make due with paper towels when you use the restroom. That's the way it is at my house and I love it! It's just one of the funny things about home that make me smile. Strange as it is, it makes me remember my roots. I also love the way coffee tastes at my parents house. I have tried to simulate it at my own house for years, but it will never be Mom and Dad's coffee. I'm not even sure that it is better, but it set the standard. It just tastes different....tastes right. Weird.
Anyway, I ventured back to my hood and tonight I feel a bit of Sunday Sadness. Something I rarely have experienced as a married woman...I enjoy Sunday evenings. However tonight I feel empty. I spent the weekend with my parents and got a familiar feeling, now it is gone and I want it back. BUT, I am going to prevail and sleep in my own bed like a big girl. It is world more convenient to do things here, at my own home. Not to mention not toting around the big fat pugs all around town. I am going to say my prayers and pray the Lord will cover me with that familiar feeling of home.

1 comment:

lauren said...

When I had to spend time away from Josh because of his job last year, it was always Sunday nights that were the hardest! I totally understand. Once Monday rolls around, you can get a little more distracted by work and good tv! Hopefully the week will fly by for you. (You can call me if you get lonely) =)