Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Au Revoir 20's {Well, Almost...}

It's lurking...just. around. the. corner. 30. My Birthday is not until March 4th, but by the time I finish January and devote most of the short month of February to Mug's birthday party, it is going to creep up on me. I am just not sure how I feel about it yet. Not really sad. Maybe a little excited?! I do feel old though. Especially when I get a Sweet 16 birthday invitation in the mail from someone who was born is sophomore year in high school...a year I VIVIDLY remember and recall! I still feel like a teenager sometimes, ya know??? I am so excited about being a mom and being super comfortable in my "skin". Also, I just feel like I am listened to by other people so much more now than I was at in my early 20's. Gosh though, I can remember my 20th birthday soooooooo well! I remember it like it was yesterday! Anyway, just for fun and out of curiosity, I wanted to see what you all thought...I would LOVE to know if you took turning the big 3-0 hard or in stride? Any words of wisdom from my thirty sumthin' sistas about why they love being in their thirties??? DO SHARE {uh, that means comments, please!!!!!} Anyone watch 3o Rock??? Love how they call it the "dirty thirties"! heehee!!


walkers said...

I love it! I mean, I have been 30 less than a month but I felt excited about it. Maybe because I have so many friends that are in their 30's that are happy and beautiful- they paved a good path! It's the new 16!

Ashley McWhorter said...

I turned 30 a year ago yesterday. Make sense? :) It was nothing at all. Well, I had just had my 3rd baby a month before, so I was in complete survival mode with all of that. I really never even had time to think about it. Then, this year has been taken up with learning to be a mom to 3 kids 5 and under and trying to stay alive. HA!! It'll be great! You can TOTALLY do it!!

Corrie said...

I'm sure you read this on my blog when I turned 30, but it is worth repeating...If you aren't getting older, then you're dead! :)
Take it in stride, my friend! 30 is fantastic!

lauren said...

I'm excited about entering my 30's in a few months, but then there's that small part of me that can't believe I won't be a young 20-something year old anymore. I love, though, how every year that goes by, I gain in wisdom and become more at ease with myself. I've heard that's one of the best things about the 30's. I also think it's crazy how quickly these past 10 years have gone. The 90's seem like just a couple of years ago!! My parents say it only goes faster as you get older. You'll have to do a turning 30 blog on your birthday, to prepare me the next month! :)

Shannon said...

Hummmm....being in my thirties....I never have really let it bother me. I guess that is because I still feel like I am about 17 or so. Then I take a quick look in the mirror and realize that I am FAR removed from that time in my life. Honestly, I could not be happier than I am at this stage....I am a mom to three amazing children....there is not a phrase that makes me more happy!

ENJOY your 30th and don't you dare think for one minute that you are getting old! These years are just the beginning of the most amazing times of our lives...watching our kids grow up and to get to experience life through their eyes!! I LOVE IT!

Charla (SHar-la) said...

I have to tell you I was a little concerned about turning 30 only because I still have no children, not really for any other reason. But I also have to tell you, my thirtieth year has been of the best yet! Not that anything amazing has necessarily happened (on the outside, at least), but mentally, spiritually, maturity-wise, life is so much better. I'm not sure why, but all of this kind of happened right around the same time I turned 30! THIRTY is GREAT! And I agree with Corrie. The alternative to getting older is nothing I'm interested in! :)

Rose said...

TUrning 30 was a piece of cake!

Sally said...

ahhh, cannot wait to celebrate your 30th gurrlfrenn!!! 30 is so fun!

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laura said...

I can't speak of it personally (one more year to go), but my friend Amanda was so excited about turning 30 because turning 30 is HOT and the thirties are the best years yet. I've decided to take on her perspective. Bring it on! Come on, funky hot 30th birthday!
And let's face it, in our minds, we will always still be 18. Oh wait, maybe that's just me...

Kylie said...

I was actually relieved to turn 30. I spent the whole year dreading it and then when it actually got here, it wasn't that bad! I decided to embrace and and truly- I looked at all I accomplished in my 20s :) and that made me feel better! You've done a lot with your life already and the best is yet to come! Happy early birthday!