Thursday, October 22, 2009

Oh What Fun! REW, You are ALMOST One! {11 Months}

Psalm 92:4 "For you make me glad by your deeds, O LORD; I sing for joy at the works of your hands."
Tah-Dah! Here is the little monster-lady! I mean that in love and in the best of ways. This past month has been the major, major month of c-h-a-n-g-e in this lovely lady. She is her own person. Let me tell ya! REW is VERY mobile. Not walking yet, but I think any day now. She wants to. She has the desire. We spend about an hour a day with her hand in mine walking over the entire house. Multiple times. She gets so mad when she stop. I am the perfect size for her to do that. Poor Brent. I think his back might give out any day now! The other day, we were down stairs playing and I heard Mug wake up from his nap. I thought I would leave her down with her toys, run and get him and come back down. As I came out of his room {30 seconds tops}, she was 2 steps from the top of the stairs. Unbelievable. I dropped Mug in horror! With him, I never even put up a gate! He just within the past 2 months will come down and up the stairs without telling me. What the heck?? I guess it's time to put them up though, because she also crawls backwards down them. By herself. And it is her favorite game. My mom says she is my "!" child and Mug is my "?" child. So true.
Her sleeping habits are hilarious. This monkey still wakes up to eat around 5-5:30 a.m. Gets her lovey and goes back to sleep until 9:00-9:30! This morning, Brent got her up because she was crying at 7 {I was at class}, put her on the bed with a book, looked over and she was slumped over sleeping! He marched her back upstairs to bed and she went to sleep until 9:45 a.m. So funny and weird. I doubt this will last. Especially when I bring myself to drop that {much needed, I know} morning feed. On that note, we are still breastfeeding! Now, I feel like we could be doing it for a long time to come...
She also loves to point and "say" things. Mainly she says, "dat". She points from the minute she wakes to the minute she goes to bed. I remember looooving this stage. She tells me all about everything. The only thing she truly says is "Mama" and "mo", or more. Everything else is "dat", or "dat dat dat dis dis dissy". Although she does not speak many actual words, she FOR SURE understands. I asked her to point to my belly button today and she smiled and lifted up my shirt! Then, I asked her where her's was and she did it to herself!
A few of REW's favorite things: Raisins. Eats about 100 a day. My cell phone. Sorry to anyone she has called and left long messages to. And shoes. She loves loves loves shoes. She crawls straight to her shoe bin and pulls them all out. Then, she carries around 2 of them everywhere she goes. No lie. We went shopping the other day and she carried 2 shoes into all the stores. She screamed bloody murder if I tried to take them. I am in trouble. Or maybe Brent is in trouble...2 women with a shoe fettish under one roof is bad on the ol' wallet, daddy!
She for sure is my little buddy. She wants me over all other people. However, although she wants me, I cannot recall a time or at least in a long while, where she has had any separation anxiety. She goes to other people well. Makes it easy leaving her at church and with her sitters.
She is so in love with her brother. Watches him like a hawk. Loves all of his trucks. To his dismay. I am still hoping and praying that their relationship flourishes one day. He still is not that into her...that is a whole other post. She would love to be the center of his world. They are not on the same page at all! I am wondering what girls like for birthdays and holidays. This one loves trucks and balls. Surely that is only because that is all she knows!
She is still eating a ton. Although I will say it has slowed a bit. She has 4 teeth on the way and I think her mouth is super tender. She is all about trying new things which is good for me. Being a short-order chef is not my strong suit.
Overall, this is my little punkin girl. She brings me such delight. I would have never thought my kids to be so completely opposite. I simply cannot wait to celebrate her first birthday party. Part of me is sad about it. Is a year meant to seem so short? How did this little one become her own little person? What is to come for our family? How else will the Lord bless us through her?

Little REW, little REW...I sure do love you.


Kimberly said...

was it really eleven months ago that we welcomed her into this world?? where does time go?? she's precious and sweet and makes our Visiting Angels little group of all boys even a bit more special. we love you so little REW!

aWare said...

Georgia Kelley has a matching outfit that she is about to outgrow like that one! I love it! She really is a pretty little girl!

kinsey said...

she is ADORABLE!! i mean, simply precious. love hearing all about her. we are not making it to homecoming, SO BUMMED!!

angie said...

Man oh man I cannot believe she's almost 1!! Such a cutie pie.

Sally said...

what a sweetheart!!! and yes, food really does make her happier...learned that tonight at the horner's! hee hee.. hope those mushy crackers came out of her adorable lil baylor tutu!! :) we love you Reece!!!
The Crosby's