Tuesday, June 09, 2009

There's Always Tomorrow...

This was a joyful, peaceful, refreshing scene this morning. Mug wanted to wake REW up and sing, "Rise and Shine" to her AND get into bed with her! Nice. I am blessed by these moments. Especially when they do not end with a right hook to REW's head. Yes, this was a much needed change from yesterday....
don't worry, he is not biting her here.

and yes, this is a hug. A sincere and moderately gentle one. We are finally learning.
...what I meant by the title of this post was there's always tomorrow for another swimming lesson. Blasted swimming lessons. Yesterday, I am sweating because I am bookin' it to get Tristan sunscreened up and out the door to his first lesson of the summer. Thankfully, Gigi offered to keep REW. This year, it is just Mug and his cousin, Colton. I thought they would learn more than they did last year if they had private lessons. He would be more advanced and mature. Who was I kidding? The kid woke up at 6:30am. Fine. But not for a 12:30 pm lesson. That rise and shine face needs a nap by 1 when he gets up that early. First mistake. What's the second mistake you ask? Just signing up for the dern things anyway. That's the second mistake.
I am bound and determined to not "get in" with him. No, no, he is much too advanced for mommy in the pool. C'mon. The minute he gets in with the instructor, he bawls. He fits. He screams. He runs around the yard like a tyrant. The. whole. 30. minutes. I sit there seething. I want to throw a tantrum myself. I give him the evil eye. The "you're gonna get it" eye. The "I paid $75 dollars for this week-o-fun so get your tiny hiney back in that pool and kick your legs" eye.
But, the battle was lost. Mug 1, Mama 0. Lovely to watch little Colton paddle by so compliant. I swoop the basket case up, run out like a raving looney and all but hit the popsicle out of the young teacher's hand on my way out the gate, "NO thanks, no popsicle for him today." I mumbled as I flew past her. I am now really sweating. I am so mad. I figure out another emotion I am feeling...embarrassment. Not sure of me feeling embarrassed of him, or if I am embarrassed that I am embarrassed. Car door closes. I start the car. "Mommy, why I didn't get a pasicle?" I reply, "Because, you cried the whole time." And I drive off in tears.

I was in a funk the whole day. Over what? A swim lesson gone bad? Am I a stage mom or something? Sheesh, lady! Get a GRIP! After several pep talks from good friends and an extremely rational husband, I have simmered. I sometimes forget that kids are kids. And this kid is a TODDLER! I think I forget all the little factors play into his "moods" like nap time, feeling well (he had a case of mild heat exhaustion on Saturday) and just plain being fearful and wanting his mommy! I messed up...again. Such a journey motherhood is! So today, Mug and I started our day praying outloud God's promises together from the Bible. Then, we prayed for his friends. Then, I prayed for the swim lesson. My attitude. My responses. Apparently, I am not unlike him when I do not get my way. I decided to take my camera and laugh about it. If it is a tantrum day, so be it. I will take pictures of that. These are them from today. They were better. Can't get much worse. He actually got in and swam on the noodle at the end of the lesson. With me. Actually, I conducted the entire lesson myself. Too bad we don't have a pool or I would have a lot of extra dough! Anyway, Mug got his "pasicle" today. Another lesson learned here at The Mommy Office.


Melissa said...

LOL! This is funny, and oh so relatable! I think it is easy to expect much of our children, because they so frequently give much...sometimes more than they should be capable of, so when they act their age, it can be trying for us mommy's who expect much...especially when their age shows up in public. I have SO been there and felt just as you have. Way to go for seeing it and praying about it in front of Tristan. That is an example of an AWESOME mommy!

Having It All said...

Cute pics and cute post! I enjoyed reading it!

The Johnstons said...

Oh, you made me laugh and feel for you all at the same time! I can completely sympathize with ALL that happened at swim lessons. Notice that we didn't even attempt to sign up this year. Glad you had such a sweet day with your babies today!

Angie said...

Ok- I am in tears laughing at this. Why? becuase it has happened to us all at one time or another. So frustrating you have to just laugh! We are up for Luke's swimming lessons later in the summer and I am sure he will have "just one of them days" as the song says...

angie said...

Oh I am so sorry you have had a rough swim experience. We have all been right there where you were yesterday:-). These kids are so humbling!!!BTW Ryan wouldn't put his head under until he was 4 and this year he's doing laps!!! I love those pictures of the two of them lovin' on each other.

Kylie said...

I got in a serious funk after Hudson refused to perform in his end of the year program at MDO. It happens to all moms, don't feel bad about it. :)

As for swimming, Hudson is a different animal when I'm in the water. Can you be in the house, or at the store :), anywhere he can't see you?? Maybe you already are. Hudson would do things for his teacher, he would never do for me. And I'm sure each day will get better and better. That's the point of doing so many days in a row!

Jill said...

That was funny and a great reminder!

Callie said...

You know how I love littles...BUT, I find that my patience with them wears thin in public. We went out to dinner at Jason's Deli last night and there was this precious little one at a table across the room from us. This precious one began to scream (for fun) at the top of her lungs, for the entire time we were there. Normally, I would have come unglued and been pretty irritated, but after reading your post yesterday, I felt bad for the parents and decided they were probably VERY embarassed. I had more patience than normal. Thanks for being so candid and honest as a mom. It helps put things in perspective for those of us sans itty bitties and sets a model for the days ahead.

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