Here is Mug helping me set up the table. This is a new thing. He can climb up on the table in an instant.
Mug, CDP and Noah getting ready to get their treats. This picture was taken after Mug had his cookie dinner when mom was not watching....
Parker and Colton were ready to rock and roll...
Patriot just wanted to run up and down the walkways...
Here is my little monkey nephew who would not let Nic Nic paint a nose on him...
And the fly fisherman who is now having a sucker for dessert to compliment the cookie. We paid for this decision late last night!
Tristan was definitely a trick-or-treating fan. Every piece of candy he got he would hold it up and say, "open this!" I think between all the grands there, his wish was granted in full!
The next morning we headed over to the ol' stompin' grounds--BU campus! One of my favorite places on earth! I can't tell you how old I feel each year I go back. Transitioning from student, to a mommy with one and one on the way is so weird! Check out the difference a year makes! I did get to see a lot of old faces and hugged some necks! My favorite part about homecoming is the social time at the parade! Now, I did see about a dozen people who said they always read my blog--I WANT YOU TO COMMENT!! Silly rabbits, how will I know you know everything about my life?! And how will I know about yours? You know who you are ;) I missed some of you fellow bloggers I was hoping to meet! Maybe we can get together for another big BU event! After the parade, we partied at the Horner's annual huge-o before the game party...gets better every year! Unfortunately, I was too busy chasing Mug around to get any pics. After 2 big events, I must say, I was spent. Unfortunately, that was the extent of my homecoming festivities. I am hoping next year to go to the game and to Pigskin. My body was just too stinkin' tired--I slept all afternoon! Here are some highlights:
Sweet Abby and her chubby nugget Madyson
Colton and Mug--they really were having fun, I swear.
Finally! A family picture! I don't think this will make the Christmas card this year, folks, but it will do for a good memory.
ha ha! first one to comment!!! cute pics nickster!!! great to see you today! want to see you more! xo,m
i think you read the rough draft! sorry we missed a pic together :( thanks for letting B hold goose all afternoon--he needed the refresher course!
it was soo good to see you also! such a cute pic of the 4 of us! :) next year we will have to get another one with reese actually here!!!!!!
Was it just me or could you not find too many people you knew at homecoming this year? I saw tons o' people last year, but this year, not many at all.
so funny, i just finished doing the exact same post! we had such a great time last night...thanks for having us!! and sorry for the blue cookies...and the late night!! ;)
Missed seeing you!! I think we stand too far off campus during the parade to see people. :/ Maybe next year we will learn our lesson and move down a little! Love the pics from Halloween & Homecoming! Can't wait for some Reese news!
i'm so sad i didn't see yall. i looked though! i agree we need to have some other BU event for all of the bloggers ;-) cute pictures.
Glad you had a fun time at homecoming! We really wanted to go this year, but Halloween weekend was just to full! :) Next year, for sure!!!! ...Your family looks so great in your green and gold!
didn't see you at homecoming....BUT I definitely read your blog:)
OK - here I am! I told you I would comment and came here just to do so. You looked great at the parade and I cannot wait to hear about this precious baby who will soon be here!
Tristan looks so cute!! I was sad to miss homecoming- but glad you guys had fun!!
I'm with you and Tristan - that candy is great! Glad you guys had fun this weekend.
I was there with the fam but didn't see you. You look so great!
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