Wednesday, July 18, 2007

My 5 Month Old

"Behold, I tell you a mystery; we will not all sleep, but we will all be changed"
1 Corinthians 15:51

Oh my heart! Could I love something so much? It sometimes wants to burst at the sight of God's perfect creation. Such a sweet innocence! Motherhood is getting better and better.

Our little Mug (our nickname for Tristan) is hitting the point of no return. The point when you look at him and start to think...he's not acting like a little baby anymore. He is turning over both ways. Wiggling and scooting himself to different positions. I know it is coming, though I don't want to admit it. He will soon be sitting up. Then crawling. They standing. Lastly, walking. Where do the days go?

Every morning we go into check on our little singer and he is in a totally new position from the one we put him down in. He is a squealer. He sings too. No joke. He sings himself to sleep. Little hums. So cute. To die for. Still a cuddler. He is a little wet noodle in your arms and then he lays his head cocked up against your chest. Melt again.
Smiles and laughing galore. And man, is this child ticklish!! i can get him going when i squeeze his thunder thighs (he gets from his mom--the thighs--not the ticklish) and his big feet (whom he shares with his father)! He loves to stare and observe everyone and he loves to go out in public. Something I would have never guessed had you known him as an infant. He loves to watch people and naturally, be the center of attention just by being cute. Our favorite phrase is, "Look at those huge blue eyes, and LASHES!!!" He does have quite a set of peepers. He just had his first rice cereal on his birthday and he thinks it is only so-so. But it always makes for a great photo op!

This summer has been one of such joy for me. I love being home with him. We have a ball! Reading, singing, walking--it is all such an enormous blessing that I try not to take for granted. I am so thankful. I remember how much I anticipated him. I know God has a special calling on my son's life. As he does all of ours. But what a privilege to get to pray for them. To pray for what they will become. To know how much they are loved. My, how we are all changed by our children.

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