Friday, February 09, 2007

Still Here...

Alright, I am still here! No labor yet. I seriously think that my cervix gets really irritated with each "check", so it causes some contractions that are pretty mild. I keep waiting for something to really hurt like everyone says. Don't hate me, but I never had cramps with my period, so when people tell me to go look for that, I can't understand fully. So, I am just going to assume they are uncomfortable! I am praying he stays put for a few more days. I would like to get him to term at 37 weeks. Anywho, here is my 36 week belly shot! I forgot to include it...keep checking to see!


lauren said...

Such a pretty belly! Well, for me it was not painful until halfway through my short labor. But that being said, you just know! I knew because they were coming every 4-6 minutes, never stopped, and grew slightly stronger every 1/2 hour or so. When they're coming at regular intervals, that's when you're in labor. Or...maybe your water will break! Then you'll know for sure! I'm so excited for you!!

Kimberly said...

What a beautiful belly! You are all belly!