Wednesday, February 21, 2007

One Week

Sweet joy! Oh my, my son is already one week old. I cannot fathom the life change that has occured this past week. An angel is in my presence and relies on me daily. I truly never believed this could be so magnificent.

I should be posting a 38 week update, and as most of you know, I missed my 37 week update to deliver the love of my life. At 11 p.m. on 2/13, my water broke. Jokingly that day Brent and I talked about how we do not like Valentine's day and along the same lines, I told him I did not want my water to break because I would have to rush straight to the hospital due to my being Group Strep B positive! Well, apparently, the little apple does not fall far from the tree in the sponteneity department! I took my makeup off and crawled into bed and 10 minutes later...GUSH! With chattering teeth that were so hard, I truly felt like I may bite my tongue off. I was gathering the last minute things and it occured to me that this was it. Was I even remotely ready? No turning back! Oh my gosh! I am having a baby tonight! "Brent, we are having a baby tonight"! On Valentine's Day. More teeth chattering.

I arrived at the hospital soaking wet--proof to the nurses to let me in! I made a call to my family and to Mimi, my dear friend who is a nurse. She was going to come up and deliver me. Once everyone got there, I had a blast! The pain was not too bad, I had 100% confidence in Mimi being there....what a huge comfort and honor! I labored for a while, got an epidural, and began to push at around 7a.m. The miracle took place at 8:32 a.m. What an honor and privilege it was to push him out. As strange as it sounds, that is the only word I could think of to describe labor and delivery. A privilege. Not easy, not "fun", but a privilege to bring the child into the world. Brent was amazing. Such a wonderful labor coach. I fell in love with him all over in those few hours. And as much as I loved him before, the love is now rooted in something I do not understand or comprehend, but I feel it in the depths of me. The father of my child. My mom (Gammy) and Pam (Gigi) were in the room as well. So encouraging. I grew a deep and profound appreciation for them as they held me and encouraged me. Thinking they went through all of this so that we would be able to. It is all surreal.

Needless to say, Tristan was barely, and I mean barely term on that very day. Therefore, he was born with some minor breathing issues, he would not "scream", only "sang". He was hooked up to a monitor for the first few hours, but it ended up being totally normal. He also kept getting a slight fever, that the dr. could not explain, therefore, we stayed in the hosiptal for 4 full days. More exhausted and full of adrenaline than I had ever been, I so wanted to be home. By Saturday, all was well. I never doubted it would be, the Lord sustained my precious throughout the pregnancy in spite of all of my ailments, so I knew the calling is huge on his little new life. We got to come home.

Breastfeeding, sleeping, changing diapers, new cries. All challenges that are worthy. I love all of it. I love every minute. He is perfect. He has my cheeks, nose and lips. His dad's hands and feet. A mixture of our stubborn and cuddly personalities. He is going to be the life of the party. He is so beautiful!

His grandparent have been staying and helping, WHAT A BLESSING! I am loving every minute with every single person! My, how I have become a sentimental creature in a matter of days. Having a child is so different than I would have ever been able to explain. You feel it. The love that everyone says you will. I was skepitcal of the instantaneous way everyone said it would happen. I am now a believer. It did not take much.

I want to ask you all to pray this verse over Tristan this morning. Pray he will know the depths in which His Lord loves Him and become a man of God.
"Love the Lord with all your heart, all your soul and with all of your mind." Matthew 22:37


Kimberly said...

I Love these pictures! He is absolutely precious! Congratulations again on becomming a mommy! Thanks so much for taking the time to fill us in on your labor and the first week home! I can almost smell his sweet newborn skin through the computer-he looks so sweet!

Suzanne said...

he is absolutely adorable!! sweet little baby! so small!! how much did he weigh?

Audrey T said...

Thanks for sharing your experience with makes me so excited to read about what you guys have been through and how your hearts and lives have changed!

lauren said...

I LOVE the naked picture!!! That's probably how he was in the womb!

Mollie said...

Precious. Your sweet words bring tears to my eyes! Congratulations once again! I can't wait to meet the mini-man!