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Windy City Rules
For some reason, blogger has decided to make it extremely difficult for me to post pics tonight. I think it is because I have been a naughty blogger. I probably lost some of your attention anyway. While Brent is playing video games all weekend with his friends...all weekend...I thought I should update you on the goings-on in nicksterland. We went to Chicago last week and returned Tuesday. It has always been my favorite city in the world, so I was so glad to see if Brent agreed. 80 degree weather, Gino's pizza and Second City laughs, yep, he likes it! I don't know what it is about Chicago. I mean, I can almost break out into hives when thinking about living in the "city". Hustle and bustle and keeping up with the Jones' is just what I loathe. However, Chicago seems to feel so much more relaxed and fun. I mean, I know stuff goes on there, but I am just fascinated with it. I think I always think of it as the place I would have liked to have gone to pursue my dream of writing. I always wanted to write comedy and act. I especially love sketch writing, so comedy acts are really cool and inspiring to me. I feel like I get it there. Like I can relate to it. It's great. Sadly, they also have magnificent shopping. H&M is my favorite and I had to just look at the clothes and sniff them. No buy. Where of all the most boring places between Anthropology and Gucci did I have to buy from? Old Navy and Gap. Because they have maternity clothes. They don't even fit yet. I'm tellin' ya, this maternity clothes game is a tricky one to master. Oh well. I guess I have an excuse to go back post baby. We had such a neat time. I love going on vacation with Brent. He is so laid back. We always have a skeleton plan, but nothing concrete. I am sure that would be horror to some of you, but we always end up seeing everything and really enjoying ourselves. Of course, we do take 3 hour naps almost every day. This picture is from the Lincoln Park Zoo. Fabulous, clean, fun and FREE. It really is a great zoo. We had a lovely time. Baby Dub is well. Gave me a scare the day we returned...I spotted some, though I considered it bleeding, I now know it probably was not in actuality. After a trip to the ER, we found all was OK. I am feeling much better, but man, that was an emotional drain. I will be posting pics soon. At 12 weeks I am going to show ya'll my belly. It is already sticking out and I am not kidding. I don't know whether to be happy or sad about that. I mean, I am a little person and it looks like I am 4 months! Ahhh! I have a lot more energy than I have had the past month. Although, I am about to go to bed at 10:00 on Friday. I promise though, I am getting better. 
Love the pic and SO glad everything is okay! :) Sleep tight!
How/when/why did you fall in love with Chicago, Nicki? It's one of the places on our list, but we've never been there.
Sounds like a fun trip! I've never been there. Isn't maternity clothes shopping dreamy ;) It really is more fun once they finally fit, but the time when your old clothes don't fit so well and maternity are gargantuan is so not a fun time for anyone involved! :) I feel for ya...
great pic! i'm sure you look adorable pregnant! i too, LOVE chicago!!! don't know if i could live there, but absolutely LOVE it. scary about the spotting, i would have done the same thing and i'm a NURSE! (i know nothing about pregnancy/delivery!) thanks for the update, glad everything is going well!!
I fell in love with it about 12 years ago...I have an aunt and uncle who live there. It is a really fun and young place with a lot of history--I don't feel it to be pretentious like a lot of cities. I would not want to be there long term, but it would be a blast to be a young coulpe there for a few years and actually live in the city. You should visit :)
You look great! Don't worry everyone ends up getting equally big in the end whether they gain it early or late in pregnancy. I am glad everything is okay with baby!
You make me want to go to Chicago! I've never been! I'll have to put it on our list of places to go in the future!
I know how you feel, shopping in NYC 22 wks pregnant was not as much fun. Probably a good thing though! I'm wanting to go to Chicago soon now, too! You look soooooo cute with your little baby belly!! I can't wait to see you grow!
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