Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Going Granola (sort of)

Well, not really, but it feels like it. In an effort to alleviate my pain and nausea, exhaustion, etc. (due to my mystery liver ailment) I have been eating extremely healthy. Brent is such a support, because he has joined me full force in the journey. I am normally a healthy gal anyway, but I see my pitfalls. I really would get sick with fatty meat, even hamburger meat, so I have not had it in almost 3 months. I have discovered a few wonder foods that I never would have considered eating.
1. Fish. I have always gagged at fish. Now, I eat it probably 4 times a week. I have gills. Tilapia, trout, orange roughy. I eat it all. Just for the Halibut.
2. "Cherub" grape tomatoes. OH MY GOSH. These things are da bomb. I have also despised tomatoes. Not anymore. I have to calm down when I eat them, they are so good. HEB baby. Wow.
3. Pomegranate juice. Well, it is just good. That's all.
No meat, no fatty desserts. Trying to change. I feel better. And thank you all for praying and asking about my health. I have had to cut out some things to get rest. I often find myself fatigued at the end of the day. I stopped going to praise team and choir at church. I am just taking the summer off, but it still hurt me to have to do that. I go to the Dr. on June 5th at 11:15. Please say a prayer for me! You all are the best!


Corrie said...

I eat baby tomatoes every single day...LOVE them! I would eat fish more BUT that guy who lives with me doesn't so much care for it! Boo! I'm proud of you for eating healthfully and even more for NOT cramming your schedule in such a way that you don't get rest. BTW...Have I mentioned how much I enjoyed a non-American Idol post? :) Love you!

Nicki W. said...

Thanks, Cor! I think I did go a little overboard on my AI obsession! Back to reality! Are the tomatoes you eat the Cherubs?? You must try them if not! SO good!

Suzanne said...

man...have you been diagnosed yet? i'm curious to know what you are suffering from...i always feel so much better when i am eating healthy as well! i'll be praying for rest and strength! hang in there! ;)

lauren said...

I had no idea that it caused this much of a disruption in your life! I will keep praying for you!! I love fish and have been trying to eat healthier and mostly organic. I'm glad to know about Cherubs! I'm going to give them a try. Do you like Salmon? That's my all time fav. My mom got a recipe for delicious salmon and spinach at HEB that I crave everyday. I'll be happy to share it. (I used to dislike spinach, but this stuff is INCREDIBLE!)

Nicki W. said...

Please send that recipe my way! I LOVE Salmon and ironically, I always have. I say that because it seems to be the "fishiest" of all fish and that is what i do not like about fish. I am a complicated woman. SO, please send that one over! I am going all organic also. It is a littel more expensive, but i think it is worth it.

Corrie said...

BUT I heard that organic doesn't really mean that much. I mean isn't it just fruit and veggies grown without pesticides? Don't you wash off the pesticides before you eat anyway? I seriously heard a news report recently about how buying all organic stuff is just another way to rob consumers! Hmmmm.

Nicki W. said...

Maybe--I think sometimes you are not getting much more for your buck. However, the fruit is HUGE and the cereal tastes a lot better, not as artificial to me.

lauren said...

I will find it and send it your way. Organic also is beef and chicken without steroids and none of the bad ingredients like hydrogenated oil, high fructose corn syrup. Maybe I'm confused, but I thought that's what it was.

Nicki W. said...

Sounds like you've been watching Oprah too!

lauren said...

Yes! I LOVE Dr. Oz! I bought the You book, and I can't wait to read it! Here's the recipe:

Salmon with Spinach and Bacon
Prep time: 10 min. (so easy!!)
Cooking time:10 min.
Serves 4

1 pound fresh Salmon Fillets

2 teaspoons Adams Reserve House All Purpose Rub

1/2 cup plus 2 Tablespoons Canyon Foods Bacon Vinaigrette

1 Taplespoon white wine or rice wine vinegar

4 ounces feta cheese crumbles, optional

1 bag fresh spinach leaves, size of your choice, stems removed

1. Heat oven to 450 degrees
2. Cut salmon unto 4 portions; plave on baking sheet (My mom puts it foil on the baking sheet). Season tops with rub; then spoon 2 tablespoons vinaigrette over each portion
3. Place in oven and bake 10 to 12 min. or until salmon is done and just begins to flake when tested with a fork.
4. While salmon bakes, plave 2 tablespoons vinaigrette and vinegar in a large skillet; tilt skillet to blend and heat. Add spinach; stir and cook 1 to 2 minutes, until just wilted.
5. Remove salmon from oven. (Mom says to remove the bottom skin with a knife to make it less fishy.) Sprinkle cheese over tops, if desired. Serve salmon over spinach.

Nicki W. said...


Y-UMMY!! Can't wait to go to the grocery store tonight! woohoo! Thanks a ton!

Anonymous said...

I love those grape tomatoes--they are a great snack! It is great to hear that you are feeling better. We will keep praying for you and for that appointment coming up! You are the best and we love you!
Laura and Adam

Anonymous said...

Excellent, love it! ยป